Jaina watches as the sun sparkles on small waves of Liberation Lake, couree eels coursing through water. She pushes a stray strand of hair behind her ear before wrapping her arms over her chest, hands running up and down the sleeves of her scarlet colored tunic
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He is sitting on a bench underneath a nearby tree-- a tree that looks like one of the odd Yuuzhan Vong creatures still partially inhabiting the planet, which creeps him out-- the fact that he's checking to make sure it won't eat him is probably why he hasn't spotted Jaina yet.
Chuckling softly at her own impatience - or was that eagerness? - Jaina turns around slowly in place, carefully reaching out with the Force to aid in her search.
A moment later, and her mind brushes against a familiar presence, and not one coming from the Jedi Temple in the distance. A small smile lights her face, and she closes her eyes for a moment to double check before walking in the direction of a strange Yuuzhan Vong tree.
Making her way carefully from behind the tree thing, she stops in back of the bench in which he sits. Jaina watches him for a second's worth of time before her hands cover his eyes. Then, she bends over slightly to whisper into his ear.
"Dangerous not to be paying attention to your surroundings like that. Never know who might sneak up on you."
He reaches up to take her wrists as he turns to face her, pulling her hands down until he can see again. "Especially on a strange planet such as this."
"It is strange," she murmurs thoughtfully, watching a lone hawk-bat fly by in the sky. "Not at all like the place we grew up on."
"It looks like they're well on the way to repairing the worst of the damage though," he remarks, indicating the giant stone and transparasteel pyramid of the new Jedi Temple that can be seen just a kilometers away.
Arms still wrapped around his waist, she shifts her head to look off at the Jedi Temple. "It's not the same, but it's a start. Never going to be the same, though."
The mood is turning a little depressing for a reunion, but he's not really sure what to say next.
Jaina stares at the temple for a minute more before tearing her eyes away to look back up at Jag. She smiles gently at him as her fingers run down his cheek.
"Missed you, you know," Jaina says softly. "It took you long enough to finally contact us."
Defending the nest. It's become a habit for her over the past couple of months.
Jaina's voice falters and she looks away, clicking to herself. Kriffing decisions. Kriffing Colony.
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