
Nov 27, 2007 23:04

Ok guys, I need some advice about something, because I can't make any life-decisions without consulting my f-list.  XD

So my roommate Bekki has been driving nuts all semester.  I mean, we're kind-of friends, but she's a very annoying person and I'm always too nice to say anything about it when she annoys me.  For example, I never ask her to clean up her stuff in the room, even though she is one of the messiest people I've ever met and it drives me insane.

I've lived with her for a year and a half now, and I think it's really gotten worse.  She doesn't have too many of her own friends here, and the group that I hang out with here all tolerate her but don't really consider her a friend- she's really annoying in weird ways.  She has to say everything that comes into her head, even if it's something stupid and random like, "I think I'll sit down now," or "I really like bread."  And she never stops talking, she goes on and on about shit that has nothing to do with what we were talking about, and always about the same things, like her gymnastics in high school or whatever.  And her voice is so high-pitched and annoying, like she's always talking in a baby-voice (has anyone been watching this season of Scrubs??  You know that really short girl intern with the squeaky voice, and Dr. Cox never lets her talk because her voice is ear-piercing??  That is Bekki!!).   And she does really annoying things like pretending to like something just because someone else likes it, and we can always tell when she's faking to fit in (for example, me and Melissa were talking Serious Baseball Talk around the World Series, and Bekki tried to jump in and give her two cents, and it was obvious that she had no idea about anything).  It's like she has none of her own interests.  Here's an example of what conversations with her are normally like:

Me:  You know, I really like Elijah Wood.
Bekki:  Oh, he's like, so hot.
Me:  Well, I don't really find him hot, he's more cute to me.
Bekki:  Oh, me too, totally cute.
Me:  Except in Sin City because he really freaked me out.
Bekki:  Oh totally, he was like, so so freaky.  It ruined his cuteness for me.
Me:  ...weren't you just saying how cute he is?

This goes for anything- movies, shows, sports, even real people.  Her impressions of people are based solely on what other people say about them, she just always agrees with everyone.  Also, she says "like" in every single sentence, and it's like nails on a chalkboard.

But that's just the beginning.  It's gotten worse in that whatever I do, she does.  In all seriousness, she does not hang out with anyone here (in the building) that she considers a "friend" if I'm not there.  I have to come up with ways to trick her into staying in our room so I can go hang out with people without her!  I even have to lie when we're in the room sometimes and say that I have work to do when I'm just dicking around on El-Jay or something, just so she'll shut up.

Anyway, to get to the point, my friend Kristen (who I'm really close with, she's my best friend here) has been having problems and fights with her roommate Diana all semester, and they've been trying to figure out a way to separate from each other, but Diana is a lot like Bekki and doesn't want to leave the suite because she thinks everyone is her friend when they all really don't like her that much (and the simple solution would be for Diana to just move in with Bekki, but of course Bekki only thinks what we think about Diana, and doesn't want to live with her).  Now Kristen's suite is three rooms: Kristen and Diana, Elizabeth and Brittania, Melissa and Randi.  I'm really good friends with Kristen, Melissa, and Randi, I lived with Elizabeth last year, and I don't know Brittania very well but she's a sweetie.  And now, Elizabeth wants to either move off-campus or into another dorm building with corridor rooms instead of suites, and next semester is her last semester on campus before studying abroad so she really wants to get it in, I guess.  And If she moves, Diana wants to move into Brittania's room (she thinks that moving one room over in the same suite will solve her and Kristen's problems, for some reason), and then Kristen will be without a roommate.

Um, GET ME IN THERE!!  Even before I knew the entire situation about them shuffling their suite around, Randi and Melissa both came to me and said, "IF ELIZABETH MOVES OUT, WANT TO MOVE INTO OUR SUITE??"  And I'm friends with all of them, and I really miss that kind of "family-ness" in a suite.  In my suite now, I only ever hang out with Bekki, and my friend Laura.  Laura's roommate is really quiet, and the two freshman who live here are never here and have barely said a word to any of us.  It's so weird!  And there's never any communication about cleaning or anything, and it always comes to me leaving nasty-seeming notes on the bathroom door so people take out their nasty garbage.  I really want to move out.

So, how do I break it to Bekki that I'm leaving?  I feel kind of bad, only because she seems so dependent on me.  I feel like she'll just sit in her room and never come out...but on the other hand, maybe she'll be more tolerable in small doses and I won't mind hanging out with her to watch certain shows or go to lunch or something.  Here are the options I've been thinking about for breaking the news to her:

  • tell her that Kristen has been having a really hard time with Diana (she's been dealing with it quite nicely, actually), and that she asked me to move in to kind of diffuse the situation, and she just wants to have a normal roommate for once and I'm trying to be there for her
  • tell her that it's my last semester, and I've lived with her for a year and a half, and I want to live with the other girls while I have the chance (which is pretty much the truth, except without the whole "you annoy the shit outta me" part)
  • tell her that Kristen and I are secretly in love
So, what do you think?  XD  I know, it's such a stupid situation, and I'm really being a baby about it.  Sometimes I'm too nice for my own good. 
Anywho, I think I'm off to bed now.  12:30 is actually early for me!  I need to start going to bed at normal times so I'm not exhausted all day.  XD
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