Nov 01, 2007 00:29
So I took a shower, and I STILL have glitter all over me!! IT WILL NEVER COME OFF!! I am doomed to look like a fairy forevah. Oddly enough, I'm ok with that. :P
I miss my days of trick-or-treating. I remember trying to convince my parents to let us stay out as late as we possibly could, and getting help from one of the "cool moms" to make our shaving cream bottles spray correctly, and the subsequent shaving cream wars with rival boys from our bus, and feeling rebellious when we went further into the neighborhood than we were allowed to, and how the elementary school playground became a haunted place which only the bravest kids cut through.
I remember taking my nephew trick-or-treating for the first time. He was two, and he dressed up as Buzz Lightyear, his hero at the time. He was too shy to actually say "trick or treat" at the doors, but his face lit up when he finally dumped his haul of candy all over our kitchen floor. We walked as far into our neighborhood as his little legs would take him, and he was so excited to even be up that late.
I remember one year when it snowed on Halloween, and how last year it was about 80 degrees. Weird. Today there was perfect weather, and the smell of Autumn was in the air.
I'm off to bed now, because I'm exhausted even though that feeling of Halloween Magic hasn't entirely worn off me yet. Even on my deathbed, I would celebrate Halloween.