Well that was annoying!

Jun 18, 2007 17:37

So ever since I got home our DSL (the internet kind, not the sex kind :p) has been acting up. So sometimes it would just go out long enough to kick my YIM offline and screw everything else up that I was loading but then it came right back. So finally I called today, fully thinking they had been screwing with the lines and "upgrading" them, thus causing my problems. In the course of the phone call I was making sure all the DSL filters were plugged in good, including the one in my sister's room that is for my phone (Don't ask me why her room has a phone jack and mine doesn't) Well, that also happened to be the phone I was talking on. The jack is so screwed that when I just touched the phone cord, didn't even unplug it or anything, it disconnected me. So, the moral of the story is if your DSL is screwed try unplugging all the phones and see if it works. Oh yeah, and now there are 2 more cords going across the ceiling in the den for my phone, but hey, the internet is working, that is what counts!
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