Apr 14, 2005 02:00
I have this huge anthropology portfolio due tomorrow (well, today at this point) which of course got put of until the last minute. Surprisingly not so much because of my tendency to procrastinate, but because I just had so much other crap to do. I was thinking no big deal. End result is you write ten 1-2 page papers on a bunch of random topics. Fine. Great. Then I was actually looking at the handout for the assignment (imagine) and noticed that it's 1-2 pages single spaced.
Well, isn't that swell.
So that's the equivalent of ten 3-4 page papers I have to write. Fine. Great. I can do this. The somewhere around 10pm I am reminded that I have a reading response paper due for my Jap. Culture class. Again, I'm thinking no big deal. When will I learn? Most readings for this class are short: usually between 10-20 pages. Todays reading? 100 pages.
Well, fuck.
Oh, and did I mention that I only got about three hours of sleep last night? Because I had three papers due for my art history seminar and the teacher didn't give us ANY instructions for them at all. I think I did two of them completely wrong. It's a crossover class with the graduate school, and sometimes the professor forgets that us undergrads have no idea what she's talking about. And then she goes out of town for a week so you can't even ask her questions about the THREE papers that she has due on one day.
People sometimes think I'm exaggerating when I bitch about school.
I'm not.