Mar 03, 2005 05:20
Five a.m... We're all hooked on a feeling.
Me: the need to consume coffee
Dog: the need to pee on things
Abbey: the need to attack anything smaller than her that moves
Thumpy: Confusion
Leila: Sleep
Bart: the need to cause general mayhem
Shaq: Spray his urine on things
Molly: staying alive in a household where her next move could be her last
Darla: Sleep
...It's five a.m.... Do you know your local Home Depot is open yet? Mine sure as hell is...
Quote of the Day: "I say we put a sign up that says 'Carts are not for shopping purposes, but merely for all customers to scatter throughout the parking lot'. Then we might see some changes!" -Me
"No can do. Attempted something of a similiar nature, backfired in our faces." -Henry
"Fine then... Wire all the carts with Invisible Fences, that way the customers get zapped when they leave the store." -Me
"Hmm, a good idea... Might get fired though." -Henry
"Employment is a state of being, my friend, everyone should realize that." -Me
"Interesting theory. I'll stick to one that gets me a paycheck to feed my comic book addiction." -Henry
"...touche..." -Me
Secondary Quote of the Day: "I'm going home. Who's out on the lot?" -Henry, over the radio
"Someone out in Mulch, but I don't know how many up front." -Janelle the head cashier on duty
"Just me, but everyone knows I count for at least five guys" -Me
"Jared, you're not that fat." -Henry
"...Go home, Henry."-Me
Tertiary (oooh, 5a.m. tertiary-ness!) Quote of the Day: "It's amazing what people will try to shove into their cars." -Mike Quinn
"Not as amazing as what some people think of themselves." -Me
"Explain." -Henry
"Most people have such a high opinion of themselves that they belief the laws of physics will bend to their will, thus cramming anything they can into the back of a Civic hatchback." -Me
"That's probably true. How high is your opinion of yourself?" -Henry
"I need only a motorized scooter and some plywood... watch the master and learn, bitches." -Me
"A scooter, eh? Don't you know a true master needs no motorized anything! You shame us with your ignorance!" -Henry
"Any one of you cargo-masters want to help me load this grill up into a small SUV?" -Mike
"Rock,paper,scissors?" -Me
"On three!" -Henry