i've been so unsure about my feelings
until now, i'm actually happy & content.
i told dino i love him when i know it's
really way to early it's only been a
month and three days, i don't really
like saying "i like you alot" because
it's more than that. he doesn't think
i love him but i don't know i think
i do...maybe i'm trippin haha.
every year we go to my nana&papas
to make thousands of cookies and
this year i'm actually looking
forward to it. haha dino gets to
meet my crazy loud grandparents
he's probably scared.
eeek my little brother is turning
14 next tuesday, it seriously
makes me sad that we're getting older
as much as we fight i love my
little brother to death.
my mom & i have been really close
lately i can tell her everything
and she doesn't judge me or think
less of me anymore. i'm glad she
realizes i'm almost 18 and she
can trust me. fuck i don't want to
turn 18 anymore.
this post turned out super long.
oommmggzzz i love these two.