Sun, 00:27: RT @ Yoga_Journal: As comforting as it might be, there is no surefire formula for sequencing asanas or for determining what makes a practice…
Sun, 00:27: RT @ NatGeoTravel: Whether you're looking to relax under the sun or explore underwater, find your perfect seaside destination.…
Sun, 00:29: RT @ melissacwalker: Beautiful piece by @ mishacollins. “Dinner was our anchor - consistent and soothing, it knit the three of us together, i…
Sun, 00:31: RT @ NatGeoTravel: More than 11 million visitors last year experienced the park at the number one spot-is your favorite on the list? https:/…
Sun, 00:31: RT @ mishacollins: Rise & Shine! Me & my family solved the eternal conundrum, “Which came first, the chicken or the egg?” Hint: It wasn’t a…
Sun, 00:32: RT @ mindbodygreen: In honor of autumn’s gentle transitions, yogi Ava Johanna has curated a 15-minute yin and yang yoga flow we can practice…
Sun, 00:38: RT @ NatGeoTravel: Since attaining national park status, Indiana Dunes has experienced a surge in visitors-with overall visitorship expected…
Sun, 00:40: RT @ NPR: A widely used family of pesticides called neonicotinoids - already controversial for being toxic to pollinators - might be respons…