So I jumped on the bandwagon and made a twitter account. If you want to follow me it's I won't be linking any of my tweets back to my ElJay, so no need to worry about that if you're one of those people who doesn't like reading tweets on here. I guess it just a way for me to use my phone more now that I have unlimited internet access on my mobile. We'll see how it goes.
I will probably be using it for twitfics though. Probably mostly of the Dean/Cas variety. Show of hands, who would like me to repost my twitfics to my lj?
To make this post more interesting, the other day Misha posted this cute pic of our lovely boys on the set:
It's so adorable! I love these two so much it's ridiculous.
I think I'm going to post pics everyday until Supernatural starts up again. Six days left!