Nov 19, 2009 01:42
I've been so absolutely busy this week that I've only now just gotten around to watching this week's Heroes and
MY BOYS! My beautiful, beautiful boys! I've missed them so much! It just hasn't been the same without my weekly dose of incestual-lovin'. I know a lot of people on my flist can't stand Sylar!Nathan because it's not truly Nathan, but I just can't help squeeing at Milo and Adrian interacting again onscreen.
The scene in the hospital was devestatingly beautiful. I LOVE LOVE LOVE that Peter was in complete denial during Matt's confession, even while both Nathan and Matt were giving him reasons why it was true. AND HOLY SHIT WHEN PETER THREATENED TO KILL SYLAR!MATT I THINK MY HEART BROKE A LITTLE. As if Peter wasn't fucked up enough before this...
And at the end, I seriously wanted to cry (BUT I SUCKED IT UP, DAMMIT) for them when Nathan told Peter to tell him he wouldn't always see Sylar when he looked at him. ALL YOU HAD TO SAY WAS THREE SIMPLE WORDS, PETE; THREE GODDAMN WORDS, AND MAYBE WHAT'S GOING TO HAPPEN WOULDN'T HAPPEN. You better fucking hope that Kring just cut out early and you did say "You are wrong" otherwise there's going to be a world of hurt waiting for you, boy.
I loved this episode, in every way, shape, and form. I felt like it had a good speed, the plot was concise, well-thought out, and all the stories were intriguing and shed some light onto the overall story. The Tracy/Claire interacting was cute and funny, especially when Claire lost her foot and Tracy FREAKED OUT. Yay Ali for making funny faces at the camera!
Mohinder/Samuel was very interesting... It definitely rounds Samuel's character out a lot more and makes him more of a definitive "bad guy". If there was been one thing this season has been lacking (aside from the Petrellicest, that is) it's an overall bad guy. Sure, Sylar is hanging around causing trouble, and Rebecca was chasing Claire for awhile, but they've only been really threatening one or two characters on the show. They were both more headaches for Matt and Claire, but now that Samuel has become less ambiguous and more dark and dangerous (he killed Momo!), it should speed things up and give the season more focus.
I really think they need a villian bigger than Sylar, but not as big as say Daddy Petrelli... Remember when Sylar was THE bad guy of the show? A primary psychopath killing off all the good characters without so much as a flinch? Stalking you in diners and at your homecoming games? Sure, it was a lot more black and white, but HE WAS SCARY. There was a SCARY bad guy that everyone was SCARED to fight because he was SCARY and everyone was SCARED. The part of me that wants to be purely entertained and does not really care whether or not there is character development kind of misses that. Because honestly (and please don't kill me), I think Sylar's character has gotten a bit weak. He's been inside Matt's head all season, for god's sake! How much damage has he really done?
slash: owns my soul,
warning: hard-core squeeing,