Just the highlights tonight; I'm pooped from work yet way too hyped up on the new volume to make sense.
Oh my god, how amazing was it that even though Nathan is the world's biggest ASSHOLE, he still gave Peter a chance. I mean, seriously. His apology and then showing up at Peter's apartment was EPIC WIN. Even if it ended badly. Because THERE WAS TOUCHING. And as much as I wanted it, I was still yelling at Peter to have some common sense and NOT HUG NATHAN because what happened last time he hugged a member of his family? Seriously, Peter. I love you, and I love your hair, but common sense is definitely a power you have yet to come across. Good thing you're pretty, and not a jerk like the rest of your family.
And, aww, how sweet was it that Peter was so broken up about the dead guy he was working on? A thousand points for being completely adorable.
Speaking of completely adorable, tonight's fashion award goes to..........drumroll, please..........Peter's trenchcoat! For finally making an appearance again! It's been far too long, my dear, dear friend.
But OMG - Bennet is back to his normal badass, morally grey self, and I'm loving it because it totally made me gasp aloud, and any moment that makes me do that is automatic win, no matter what happens.
Nathan: you suck. You just do. But you still love Peter. And you asked him on a date! Squee! Okay, so not really, but that was totally my automatic translation of that conversation, even though you were planning bad things. Kudos for multiple touchings, soft, sultry words, and lengthy eye contact. Your apology was, um, well, I'm not sure, 'cause I was still angry at you at that point, but I was so proud of Peter for his comebacks, even though they hurt. Do I read way too much into their relationship? Pfft, nooooooooooooooooooooo. -shifty eyes-
Okay, Claire. What was up with her eyebrows? Did they seem extra dark to anyone else? And, haha, wasn't that moment at the end with HRG totally and completely awkward? Claire was all like "wtf DAD?" and HRG was all "don't see mah eveel-ness! noooooo!"
Oh, before I forget, the new effect they have when Peter gets an ability is kinda cool, but kinda throws me off because he doesn't actually need to touch people to get his abilities. Is it because they're drugged, and therefore, not using them in his presence, so some sort of contact is needed? Or is it just an excuse to spend a couple thousand in the special effects department? OR is it a subtle way to let any new viewers know that Peter is an empath? Hmm...
Speaking of abilities, I am KINDOFSOOPERPISSEDOFF that Matt can now paint/draw/otherartsyverbs the future. He already has a power, dammit, and I thought we were past the need of a Mr. Isaac.
Haha. Ando's superhero outfit is lol-worthy. Hiro is so trying to live vicariously through his bestest best friend.
Oh, Sylar. You are evil again, and I love you. Keep it up.
Sigh. Is it bad that I'm getting kind of sick of Daphne? She and Matt are NOT made for each other. I don't care what Mr. African Isaac says.
Plane crash: oh, Peter. You silly, silly boy. You just need to stay away from other people from abilities if you don't want to bring planes down. And, remember, you can fly. You don't need to hang on for dear life as said plane goes down. But it was cute that Mo caught you. Fanfic, anyone?
Conclusion: this episode is WIN. Keep it up, Heroes!