Oct 24, 2008 10:28
Well, the job hunt this time around seems to be more hunting than ever before. But before I get into that, let me update on the talks with the existing prospect.
After all the previous back and forth, I followed up with them last week, partially because a friend received a referral call from a third party, and wasn't sure it was legit, so I confirmed with the company that they do outsource their referral checking. Anyway, at the time, the HR woman apologized for the delay, and told me that she would have "more information and direction" for me this week. Not wanting to be pushy, I gave them some time to initiate contact this week before I followed up. After returning from fishing yesterday (much later than I originally anticipated), I e-mailed her. I received an out-of-office response. She was out starting yesterday, until Monday. So, I guess I waited a day too long. Now, given the sudden slowing of talks after they seemed so eager to move on this, I can only assume one of two things: either someone else entered the picture, and now management is insisting that they are given due course as well; or, that economic conditions are now preventing them from filling the position right now, i.e. a hiring freeze. I think I can safely assume that the position has not been filled, as I have not received any rejection notice, which after a phone interview and two in-person interviews, I would assume to be required by etiquette.
Regardless, the turn of momentum in this is somewhat alarming, and I have to at this point assume that things aren't going in a good direction.
Not that I ever counted my chickens before they were hatched...
Which brings me to my point. The economic downturn is very evident to a job-hunter like me. I am seeing fewer and fewer openings. I have essentially had to look under rocks to find opportunities, and in some cases, just to make my quota for unemployment purposes, I've had to break down and apply to things I don't really want, like contract jobs. So, hunting is a really good metaphor here. There just aren't as many jobs out there as there were two months ago.
And in looking at the calendar, I've noticed that I've officially spent over four months of this calendar year out of work. A long vacation, to be sure, but with the limited income, it doesn't lend itself to doing much. I am hesitant to even spend money on things I need to fix up around the house. And with the way things have been going, I have a feeling I'm in for a good deal more time off.