yeah..................about that.

Dec 14, 2007 08:12

So, according to my Wii, I'm apparently living on Hoth now. Unfortunately, it only feels like Christmas weather on the Wii, where in reality, the other day some guy was moving the soccer field lawn with no shirt and wearing strange striped shorts. That would have been a perfect Alabama Christmas card photo. "Merry Christmas from the South" and then there's that guy. Don't you love our state's A.D.D. weather?

In other news, Golden Globe nominations have gone out, and the lifetime achievement globe (Cecil B. Demille Award) is going to Steven Spielberg this year it seems. Who wouldn't want that for a "month late" birthday present?

    My predictions for Best Director wins and nods are probably Tim Burton for Sweeny Todd and Ridley Scott for American Gangster. Just guessing, but I feel the globe will go to Tim Burton and the Oscar might go to Ridley Scott...kind of like the whole Scorsese obligation win like we saw last year with The Departed as he was well-overdue. Ratatouille will probably win for best animated film (of course, these are the same makers of The Incredibles and such.)

Our session is done now. I will notify you if there's another go away.
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