Jan 13, 2012 10:03

Yesterday was my 31st birthday and despite being at work, it was a pretty good day. I had Cheesecake Factory at lunch, yummy chocolate cake from Publix, and Kobe Japanese steakhouse for dinner. During dinner I had a 16 ounce drink called the Scorpion and it was delicious. I only had one because I am old and responsible. Then my friend and I went to Publix so she could look at the British food section and we spent ten minutes laughing and taking pictures of all the food. Now I partially understand why all the British tourists spend so long when they go shopping.

Anyway, despite recent events in my life it was a good birthday and I got lots of nice Twitter and Facebook messages that made me feel loved. Except for theemdash. Hee.

Tomorrow I am going to Universal to continue celebrating my birthday with lovely folk such as theemdash, momebie, barned_whispers, and purfeklilangel, among others. I'm sure it will be a lovely time.

Posted via LiveJournal app for iPhone.


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