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Your Nickname: Mica
OOC Journal: mica_silverwind
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Characters Played at Singularity: Maj. Motoko Kusanagi, Jiji, EDI
Character Information ;
Name: Obi-Wan Kenobi
Name of Canon: Star Wars (Clone Wars)
Canon/AU/Other Game CR: n/a
Reference: Point: Between Episode II and Episode III, in the final months of the Clone Wars
Setting: Oh my god it is Star Wars you guys. There is just too damn much to... Okay fine, paraphrasing a little. I can do this. Hoo boy, here we go.
Long ago, in a galaxy far far away...
The Galactic Republic, a nominally democratic and marginally socialist organization is the ruling body of a series of affiliated planets and races that make up the generally peaceable and policed 'core worlds.' This government and its constituent/vassal races, planets and territories represent the majority of 'civilized' space in the Galaxy, centered around the planetary systems ranged near the galactic core with the capitol set in the city-planet of Coruscant, a bustling metropolis so large as to fill an entire planet. There, the Republic Senate meets to pass legislation and decide on the important issues concerning the republic at large.
More recently, the Trade Federation, mostly referred to by the self-explanatory term, 'the Separatists' have found it profitable in both political and monetary terms to sow dissent and raise trouble on the galactic rim, where the distance and relative lack of military support for Republic systems brings the tendency toward lawlessness to a frothy peak. It is there that the Separatists employ their droid army and seek to militantly conquer planets, with the apparent ultimate goal of Coruscant itself and the Republic as a whole. Chief among these menaces are the Sith, a group of serially replaced warriors of exceptional skill and supernatural power. To all appearances they hold high position among the Separatists and may even be said to be the originators and leaders of the entire movement. There is said to be always two- a master, and a student.
Based also on Coruscant are the Jedi. Led by the a Council of their wisest peers, the Jedi represent a peacekeeping force kept only partially under control by the collective influence of the Galactic Senate. In times of peace, that is their only role, though with the Separatists waging war on the Republic's borders, the Jedi operate as both skilled individual operatives and Generals to the Republic's Clone Army. The Galaxy is, of course, at war.
One of the prominent elements of both the Jedi and Sith is the "Force", an omnipresent energy that can be harnessed by those with that ability. It is described by some Jedi as "an energy field created by all living things that surrounds us, penetrates us, and binds the galaxy together," though this represents only one branch of three regarding the nature of the Force among philosophers. The Force allows users to perform a variety of supernatural feats such as telekinesis, clairvoyance, precognition, and mind control. It also can amplify certain physical traits, such as speed and reflexes; these abilities vary between Force-users and can be improved through training. While the Force can be used for good, it has a dark side that, when pursued, imbues users with hatred, aggression, and malevolence. Though there are many shades to this, the presented film and animated canon feature the Jedi, who use the Force for good, and the Sith, who use the dark side for evil in an attempt to take over the galaxy.
Technology tends towards the unsupportable futuristic- soft scifi, rather than hard. There are flying cars, FTL drives for even one-person space flight, banking in vacuum, lazers blasters that go pew pew, droids that exist only as servants or support despite being clearly sapient, and all other manner of goofy nonsense that generally adds up to the universal personification of the 'rule of cool.' Also, lightsabers. It is worth noting that aliens and humans have mixed to such an extend and that human beings have become so ubiquitous among the galactic community that it is no longer apparent or even important where and how most species originated. We're all one big happy galactic family, aside from that whole war and politics thing.
Personality:Charming, witty and a little self-defeatist, Obi-Wan Kenobi is a diplomatic general on a mission of peace in a time of war. Dedicated to his duty and philosophies, Obi-Wan practices a defensive stance in most interactions, from the sharp-tongued verbal sparring he takes part in with his former Padawan and occasional partner, Anakin Skywalker, to the mastery he exhibits in Form Three Lightsaber combat. As a Jedi Master, he holds to the teachings common to all of those order. Calm in the face of nearly any surprise, he takes the strangeness of the world in stride, exhibiting a thoughtful, adaptive acceptance of the situation in all but the most extreme circumstances.
Although he is a professed realist, there is a core of optimism in Obi-Wan that often leads him to see hope where there is none. While this is an excellent coping mechanism, and sometimes very valuable in so desperate a martial struggle as the one he is engaged in as general and Jedi ambassador, it often leads Obi-Wan to trust or attempt to reconcile with people who are either incapable or unwilling to receive it. One such example of this is Assaj Ventress, a Sith assassin of no little skill- but of course he's not stupid. Patient, diligent, stubborn and kind, Obi-Wan can still be a bit of a stick in the mud, and when his patience turns to mulishness, he can make his own mistakes as clear and unrelentingly as Anakin's. He often follows the path of prudence over justice or courage, sometimes to ruin, and has a tendency to lecture and nag that can annoy his students- and anyone else, in range.
Abilities and Weaknesses: As a Jedi, Obi-Wan can of course use the Force, and wields his lightsaber with a mastery that is canonically of significant note. According to Yoda, he possesses an exceptionally strong Force-Push, and has mastered several uncommon methods of the Force-Suggest ability, which he uses several times to calm angry mobs, tame wild animals and calm ruffled diplomats with remarkably high levels of effectiveness and subtlety.
For reference, a Force-Push is considered a telekinetic action. It's usually shown as a sort of shove- and seems to have limits based more on the perceptions of the user than on the actual weight of the object being moved. Obi-Wan often pushes extremely heavy items, such as whole groups of combat droids. While a sustained force-push might be interrupt-able if someone seriously disrupted his attention, most usage seems to be on the fly and in the heat of action, and momentary in duration; you'd probably have to physically disrupt him to cause an interrupt.
This is, of course, for lateral movement. While he seems to have no problem simply shoving over extremely heavy weights, it seems like lifting large and heavy items and people is taxing and requires more concentration. Anything larger than an astromech droid would probably be a bit difficult for him to lift or maintain in the air for longer than a brief period.
However, beyond that, he's just an ordinary human. He isn't particularly strong for someone of his size and training, he isn't even a particularly strong tactician, despite his military rank as a general. Obi-Wan regularly misses glaringly obvious things and is fully prone to willful blindness about things he doesn't want to see.
Inventory: A thick, warm brown cloak, the standard survival kit (re-breather, micro-grappler, credit chits, holo-communicator, ect.), and (of course) his lightsaber
A note on lightsabers. A lightsaber is a weapon consisting of a blade of pure plasma energy emitted from the hilt and suspended in a force-containment field. The field contains the immense heat of the plasma, protecting the wielder, and allowed the blade to keep its shape. The hilt is almost always self-fabricated by the wielder to match his or her specific needs, preferences and style. Due to the weightlessness of plasma and the strong gyroscopic effect generated by it, lightsabers requir a great deal of strength and dexterity to wield, and can be extremely difficult-and dangerous-for the untrained to attempt using.
The power of the energy blade is so great that it can cut through almost anything, although the speed through which it cuts depended on the density of the subject. One important note about lightsaber wounds is that they rarely bleed profusely, even when a limb had been severed. This is because the energy blade cauterizes the wound as it passes through the flesh, and thus even a severe wound doesn't tend to bleed heavily.
When cutting through dense material, the immense electromagnetic field generated by the arc causes resistance rather than letting solid matter enter and interrupt the arc. This gives the blade a feeling of being solid when immersed in dense material. Rarely, some solid materials can actually pass through the electromagnetic field and short out the arc. It has been stated that a lightsaber would block rather than deflect ordinary bullets. It tends to interact with energy-shields in similar fashion to with another Lightsaber blade's containment field, and may briefly be forced to deactivate on contact, depending on the polarity, type, power source and strength of the shield.
All lightsabers, unless specially made, will short out if activated underwater. Obi-Wan's blade is not so made, and is thus vulnerable in this fashion. For more information, please feel free to read up on the history and construction of lightsabers at the relevant
Wookieepedia Article!
Appearance: Middle-aged, but in excellent shape for it, Obi-Wan tends towards worry-lines and mild expressions. He holds himself with the reserve befitting a lifelong Jedi, and dresses as such. It's rare to see him out of sandy neutral tones, and whenever he is, it's for the sake of practicality, as with the Clone Army-style armor he occasionally uses. His preference is for layered, robes and wide sleeves, and he wears a face-concealing cloak as often as not. He is very rarely ever seen without his lightsaber on his belt, meticulously maintains the neatness of his beard, and combs his hair as if he were off to see the principal, every day.
Age: 36
OC/AU Justification ;
If AU, How is Your Version Different From Canon, and How Will That Come Across?
If OC, Did You Run Your Character Through a Mary-Sue Litmus Test?
And What Did You Score?
Samples ;
Log Sample:
Breathe, inhale, count again.
It had taken Obi-Wan hours to find a place flat and open enough to do this in. He'd originally wanted an open rooftop or clearing, but in the end the most convenient opportunity was a clean-swept courtyard near what he'd privately begun to think of as the "North" end of this sector.
Step, turn back, begin again. Second form, faster now; breathe, inhale, and lift-
Comforting basics, he'd run this form a thousand times or more. He'd mastered it. There were no fancy moves, nor clever flourishes in this calm ballet. The Lightsaber hilt was warm and comforting in his hand; familiar design, familiar grip, the hum a constant stream of nostalgia near his ear as Obi-Wan whirled it again into the third stance, then the fourth.
Start again, faster, faster, the blade became an arc of light, blinding quick in time with hurried, open-mouthed breaths, less meditation now than a workout. One arm extended in a lunge- that was a touch of aggression, unneeded, and he tamped it down. Calmer, slower, hold and block, like to shadowboxing as the Jedi ran through the exercise, imagining with eyes closed a barrage of enemies and blaster-fire against a lone man and a beam of trapped power. The mock-fight cusped and faded, and in the wake left peace. This was the will of the Force glowing bright within him, re-centered and ready to face whatever the universe threw into his path. If he wasn't meant to be here, then he wouldn't have been. Whatever else may be happening, he must be able to do some good in this place, have some purpose. That was his duty, as a Jedi Master, as a tool and expression of the Force within all things.
And he opened his eyes, briefly stern, then smiled at the audience he seemed to have acquired. Obi-Wan met their startled expression with a warm chuckle and a smile as the hissing crackle of a deactivating Lightsaber punctuated his meditation exercise, "Hello, there. Looking for a lesson?"
Network Sample:
[ Hologram / Open ]
[Have a holographic man in a cloak, Sacrosanct. The hood is down, and he isn't doing much to hide the distinct lack of a gun at his belt, what with his arms being folded in such a fashion that they draw back the edges of his cloak.]
Well, if this is kidnapping attempt, it certainly is an elaborate one. May I go out of my way and presume that there aren't any Republic forces in range of this transmission?
[That's actually pretty typical of his life, lately. Damn the Rim and its reception rates. At any rate, he pauses as if for an answer before continuing. He doesn't seem particularly concerned.]
Alright then, who is out there?