Jun 29, 2005 17:29
Wait, I have a Live Journal?
Anyway, it's been a while since I last posted. Basically, I'm just gonna start at last Thursday since it was prom and all....
Thursday was wierd. I woke up and was like "woah....I have to get my tux". I got to Roger's Tuxedos in Smithtown and I tried everything on for later. Then we went next door to I could get my corsage (sp?) for Megs. I was actually stricken at how pretty it looked-much better than I thought it would.
I then went home and basically....waited....there wasn't much to do. At 4:30, I got into my tux and shiny shoes and went into waiting mode again-since her hair appointment was at 4, Meg showed up at 5:40-ish, so I was already 40 minutes late to pre-prom. She looked really great, though. It was wierd, the ribbon I chose on the corsage actually matched her dress exactly. Anyway, we took pictures with both of our families and then headed to John's house. It was already too late for me to stop at Jen's (which I'm sorry about :( ). At John's, we took more pictures and then headed off into the limo.
The limo was nice-it even had a DVD player. 10 people ended up being basically just the right amount, even though it was advertised as a 12 person limo.
Anyway, we got to the prom and, well, it was actually pretty damn good. I danced a ton (not well or anything, but I danced) and got to see a lot of people. Including Critter with his white pimp-tux. Kudos to Critter for that. Anyway, I even got to slow dance with Megan a few times :D (I think during 3 of the slow songs they played-the fourth one wasn't really that slow per se). The food kinda sucked for a prom though-especially for $80 a ticket. My only regret was not hanging out more with a few people that I would've liked to have. And, well, I guess I kinda got a bad dose of reality, but that's another story for another time, kids.
After going back to Jess' house, we went out into the City to Comic Strip Live. Some of the jokes the guys said were incredibly funny, but some were just stupid or offensive. And I didn't really like when the guy ripped on me (not that I'm a bad sport or anything, but what he said was completely untrue). I was dead by the end of this and dozed off on the ride home. I couldn't fall asleep at Jess', though, because it was really cold for a summer night (it was like 40-something degrees). I curled up into a ball in Jess' basement and eventually managed 4 hours of sleep.
The next day was not as cool for me. I was in an incredibly emo mood all day because of, well, that dose of reality I mentioned above. we had a pretty good time though. Although I'm never eating any chinese food other than mainstream stuff again. That stuff in Chinatown blew bigtime. Central Park was nice, though.
On Saturday, I had Nicole and Jess' parties. At Nicole's I finally enjoyed myself in the pool this summer (for the most part), but was still not myself because of a mix of exhaustion and aggrivation at God deciding to take his frustration out on me. Again.
Jess' party was better. We had a great frisbee game with Me, Pat, Mike, Mikey (my brother), BW, Joe, and Pat McKinney (and probably others) beating John's team (I'm not listing everyone). It was the best time I've had with my friends in a while. Then, we just sat down and talked. A lot. Me and Mike got to bitch about NHS, which I've been meaning to do for 6 months now. We also talked about funny sports stories, hanging out with people in Albany, college sports, and other stuff.
And then Sunday, I graduated. I got a much bigger cheer than I expected, and got to wear my robotics medal. there's not much to say. Although I did cry when my grandma gave me her card at the restaurant-I think all those emotions were pent up from the past 3 days, so it wasn't just the fact that we were graduating, but rather that plus my emotional peaks and (deep, deep) valleys from prom.
The past 3 days have consisted of work from 8-4:30. I love it at FESTO, the people I'm working with are so great.
Oh, and I got my AP grades today. They were actually exactly what I expected- 3 on Chem and Lit, 4 on Gov, 5 on Calc (the only one I really, truly cared about). Whatever.
I haven't slept for the past days, again, for the aforementioned revelation, so I'm incredibly tired. Melissa's later if it doesn't rain. I gotta have a talk with John or something. And then sleep.