I'm baaaaaack!

Mar 29, 2005 20:20

Guess what....I'm back..... It's been so long since I posted that I might as well re-introduce myself to losers who don't know who I am (ie. the small minority)

I'm Bryan. I go to Happy Hauppauge High and am in 12th grade. I've done a lot of hobbies in my life, but my 3 most prominent are Soccer, Robotics, and Track.

Soccer sucked this year. I barely ever played, I guess coach didn't like me. Sucks after I heard how fair he was.

Track's my more favorable sport at this point. I'm a sprinter yet built exactly the opposite of what I should be-big and black (of course, that's how I feel on the inside ;) ). Maida's coach this year and is infinitely better than Deasy the Dick. He even made me captain :-D

Robotics is, however, one of the most important things in my life. Not only has it given me new friends and opportunities, but it's given me something that I can follow in life in college (engineering). Mr. McLeod posted one of my college essays about FIRST on chiefdelphi.com-go check it out for more.

Other than that....I love all of my friends. John is and always will be my best friend. I'm single at the moments but I can tell you that I wouldn't be if I could help it.

My cat, Reeses is soooo cute...I love her so much....she's getting really big though...especially for a 3 year old kitty....

Video games are great, but not in overdoses-it takes away their greatness if you play them too much.

**Another thing that I used to do was Arrange and Remix Music from video games. In 8th-10th grade I made somewhere around 50 songs (many of which are still unfinished) and I'm actually very proud of that feat. Zelda and Metroid were my 2 favorites to make (and are still my favorite franchises), but I've done my fair share of others. Ask me if you ever want to hear any. Some are still on vgmix.com and ocremix.org under various names.**

Last thing I want to leave anyone who sees this with is the video of the week. Today I found this gem. ~Never take drugs while on The Price is Right~. Enjoy :)

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