I can be like Erin with the listing and the asteriks too!

Jan 24, 2006 17:04

1) I only had one class, but my new professor and his Multicultural/Gender Studies class gives me new hope in humanity. But it won't make me get up before 7*.

2) I passed by an elementary school today, and I heard a kid say to another on the playground, "Jump! Don't touch! Hot Lava!!!" It brought a smile to my memories.

3) I really am a sucker for a pretty face**.

"I have aways had enough imagination to fall in love all by myself, then and now."
-Sandra Cisneros, "Guadalupe the Sex Goddess"

*The class starts at 8am at the farthest building on campus.

**Just ask the cashier at our bookstore who rang me up today. I believe her name is Christine***.

***Don't blame me, she's the one who started it! I was walking to the line, caught her eye, she smiled, and I melted. girls...
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