Ugh. I have that feeling where I think I'm getting ill...My mum's got a horrible cold and I guess I've picked it up.
I skipped the gym and kenjutsu today because although I feel well enough, I don't wanna run the risk of being ill on Saturday. I am determined to have fun on saturday!!
I'm meeting a friend of mine for coffee straight after I get to London on Saturday, which means I have to miss getting lunch with people :( But I should only be an hour or so, so I might catch the end of lunch :)
inmemorybound mentioned the new Tekken movie yesterday, I remembered my anger over the Wing Commander film. Dude, that film makes me angry...
I mean, these games were made at a time when people still used actual actors and filmed live-action cutscenes. These games had Mark Hamil (of Luke Skywalker fame), John Rhys-Davies (of Gimli fame) and Malcolm McDowell (of lots of things fame) among others and had a really cool storyline about a long running batle with an alien race of cat people. The Cat people even looked really good, for the mid nineties!
Opening 10 minutes of the game Wing Commander III: Heart of the Tiger: Even more unforgivable is that the guy who created the Wing Commander games also directed the movie. So why on Earth did he decide to completely retcon his whole backstory and the history of the wing commander universe? Why change the look of the Kilrathi? And for the love of god, why do things like imply that sound can carry through the vacuum of space? *sighs and bangs head against the desk*
It also sucks that Flight Sim games took a nosedive in popularity in the last 10 years or so...Wing Commander V : Prophecy was pretty good I thought, but I'm sure that if they did another game it wouldn't have live action, it'd be CG, which would probably be fine.
I quite liked the games because they weren't just straight flying games. In between missions, you could wander about your ship and talk to various people and work through the storyline. I'd love if they did a game like this now, because they could make the wandering about parts much better, much more interactive. I'd love a game where you could actually explore your carrier, possibly carry out a few first person style missions...
Ah well. Until flight sims pick up in popularity, it wont happen. But I can dream!