Battlestar Galacti-cupcakes

Mar 22, 2009 01:11

At Metacon Y last year my Battlestar Ga-Apple-Cake won first place in desserts and had a pretty happy reception, so I thought I would reprise the cake in cupcake form to celebrate the series finale.

Translating the recipe to cupcakes was really easy, but replicating the design--not so much. After all, the nastiest part of the original cake was the black food gel I used to decorate the cake (we were only given a 12 hour head start, so there was no time to make fondant.) Then Ken got the brilliant idea to use DIY cupcake stencils with cardstock and laminate. The challenge then became creating a frosting that could: A] lie flat and B] allow stuff to stick to it. Luckily, the sparkling apple cider frosting/glaze did the trick. Ken decorated the cupcakes with a mixture of nutmeg, cinnamon, brown sugar, and gingerbread hot chocolate.

Why yes, I do have a creepy/hilarious Gaius Baltar shrine, and yes, poor James Callis knows about it.

crafts and cookery, tv: battlestar galactica

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