year of the rat

Feb 08, 2008 13:59

    Me: People are going to be all surprised when they see our new hair.
    Ken: Yes.
    Me: So you can tell them, "I donatez mah hair. To make ze weeg. For the leetle boys. With the cancer."
    Ken: No.

Violating and fulfilling cultural superstition and tradition, yesterday I donated eight inches of hair to Locks of Love (LoL). My hair was so thick they had to separate it into two separate ponytails; apparently I donated twice as much hair as most people because I am just that furry. 0_0 But now I have a really, really short bob. My hair has never been this short. Or this pampered, since they spent an hour and a half cutting it. But it was for a good cause. ^_^ Now I look like a grown up. Or Little Lad. Haven't decided yet. But Ken and I both donated at the LoL event at UCLA and then freaked each other out when we saw each other.

The last issue of Y: The Last Man came out last week, as well as the first episode of season four of LOST. I have to say, LOST is kind of getting old, and it has horrible snail's pacing, but I'm still compelled to watch. As for Y: The Last Man, I can't think of a more perfect ending. And damn you Whedon for the Runaways delay.

In other news, a story of mine has been accepted for publication in Westwind, the UCLA literary magazine. While I'm always happy to add credits to my skimpy resume, I can't help but feel like a sell out. My most accoladed story, which really isn't all that good--isn't really me at all. But when I write slightly more to my inclinations I don't really get any feedback at all--people backed out of critiquing my story this week. Probably because it sucked. Ew.

The thing is, I don't like writing "Iowa." Everything seems so "Iowa" And pretentious. And overdone. But I was discussing with the creative writing emeritus group about the topic and I proposed this crappy metaphor: Writing Iowa style, as opposed to say, Pynchon style, is something you really need to know how to do just as a basic skill set, as a good writer. Kind of like how you need to know how to wear a tuxedo, even if you normally just wear sweats, in order to be a fashionista. Which made me wonder what kind of writer I am. Am I blue jeans? Little black dress?

And then I realized: Well, I'm spec fic. I'm probably cosplay. ::headdesk::

My cousin Kenny and his wife Pauline had their baby! ^_^ Here is my cousin-once-removed/nephew Tyler Thomas Chang:

look at ze wee bebbeh

Mmmm. Otherwise, not much is going on. I'm still really enjoying my Eskrima class--it has really helped improve my upper body strength. You know, from nonexistent weaksauce to...minimal. And I also discovered a website called Chickipedia where I learned that apparently, I have the same waist as Angelina Jolie. But she has huge boobs and I just have a ribcage. I don't really trust the measurements on that site, though. Even if it still makes me feel fat.

    Me: Ken. Ken. Did you know?
    Ken: Know what?
    Me: My butt is bigger than Hillary Clinton's.
    Ken: I didn't really need to know that.

Yesterday my mother told me no one is going to want to hire me if I am fat. That sucks, because I kind of need a job and it's easier to get a job if you are hot.

Anyhow, I decided to reskin my R4DS on my Nintendo DS, so here is my current wallpaper for it. Yay Grace Park. ::oggles::

Ah. I love my homebrew card.

tv: lost, whedonverse, tv: battlestar galactica, gender, comics: y the last man, comics: runaways

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