like these tend to make my blood boil. (Doesn't help that
Audrey is a relatively reputable magazine for Asian American women, perhaps the only one out there.)
"He is even more scathing when it comes to Asian women who only date white men, asserting that they are unaware of the history of what he calls “racist love.”
“When you have Asian American women [who are] ignorant of that history and that the desire from these people goes back to the colonization of Asian countries, the media portrayal of Asian women, and Asian American women being socialized into the white supremacist world of media, it makes perfect sense,” Hamamoto says. “Underlying it all is a form of racist love, not an equality.”
What he says next is even more startling. “These Asian American women get hit on or propositioned by white men, but they don’t realize what lies beneath; that they’re coming onto you as a prostitute or massage woman, because that’s what they see, first and foremost, regardless of educational level. Conversely, an Asian American woman in white supremacist America will value anything white. I won’t say it’s instinctual, but almost at the preconscious level."
Honestly. -_-
I mean, isn't it just as "racist love" to suggest that these women should date Asian guys? I hate how there is this underlying assumption that if you are an Asian American woman dating a white guy, it has to be because you inherently prefer white physicality, or you are consciously or subconsciously self-loathing of your own "race." Like other factors aren't being considered because Asian American women really are that subjugated or shallow.
Okay, so maybe this bothers me simply because I care too much about how other people think. I mean, why should I care if people call me a race traitor. I've met well adjusted half/half hapa kids and poorly adjusted hapa kids. The weird thing is, it seems like those who are most "racist" in their choice of partners are some of the people I have met who are half/half. They will refuse to date one side of their ethnicity. I met a hapa guy who won't date Asian girls because he feels his mom and other Asian girls are "crazy." And I know this girl who is hapa who stringently insists on marrying a Chinese guy to make her bloodline more "pure." I don't see how that's any different from mucking things up. I guess I just don't want people to approach me with scorn or derision, or worse, assume that I wallow in subconscious, ignorant self loathing. BAH HUMBUG, I SAY.
That's okay though, because Ken and I are not human, we are potatoes. And even though he is a brown potato and I am a green potato, we care very much about each other. SO THERE.
"Ken and Minna" by Ken's 4 year old niece, Morgan