It would behoove all of you to go
here and click on Mark Hamill makes a joke. I may be immature but it cracks me up.
Han Solo, second hottest guy in the world IMHO (I guess um, second only to Remy) is a cantankerous George Lucas thanker blah blah blah. What a happy scrooge.
"Hi I'm Mrs. Han Solo and I'm an alcoholic." Holy shit Carrie Fisher is a badass here. I wonder if she's really joking or not! "Like any abused child in a metal bikini chained to a giant slug about to die...I keep coming back for more..."
Final video from the AFI event...reuniting the stars for the first time.
Chewie finally gets the medal he deserves!
The heir to the Pride:
Yipeekai-yay. I thought that with his upcoming Wonder Woman movie and his comic book contract with Dark Horse (more Serenity comics!) Whedon would be too damn busy to do anything else. But it turns out
Whendon is fucking inheriting RUNAWAYS. Dude. DUDE. ::quivers:: oh plz be good. Also, scuttlebutt has it: The success of the Serenity DVD may allow for a true sequel to be made. It’s just talk at this point, there are no deals and no guarantees…
I'm still torn on Whedon. His Buffy dialogue and Han Solo are essentially the origins of my snarkitude. (Fear not, beneath my hardassed veneer lies a fluffy creme interior.) He has also done a lot for feminism. But I'm also sad that he exoticized Chinese culture while short end of sticking Asian American actors. And um, sad at him for suggesting that caucasians and asians are not only the dominant at ucla but also the future when I was hoping for more a heterogenous smorgasfest. (He's under no obligation to be progressive, mind you...but he was given an opportunity...>_< The only TV show I've seen successfully make being Asian a non issue is, ironically, Battlestar Galatica. Even on LOST they're like OMGforiegners...)
I think you can appreciate something and still be a critic. I think you can't appreciate something and not be a critic. (Otherwise, sycophants are what allowed stuff like Attack of the Clones to be made.)
In current event news:
Matt Lauer: And yet you admitted that there were these CIA secret facilities.
President Bush: So what? Why is that not within the law?
Matt Lauer: The head of Amnesty International says secret sites are against international law.
President Bush: Well, we just disagree with him. Plus, my job is to protect you.
Video of Matt Lauer interviewing George W. Bush
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