Oh blargh could this week's episode of Battlestar Galactica be anymore bland in terms of military shennanigans? Can't belive I'm more interested in the politiking on that show now. Anyhow, after drinking vodka and offending
elchinorojo at BrewCo, I was dropped off at Sproul Hall by Golnaz and scrambled upstairs to watch BSG (explaining things to Remy was hillarious--ie: they're angsty because she shot him on accident while trying to take down terrorists with two guns! Look, look, that's his imaginary girlfriend!), which I later had to rewatch at 10 with Lawrence. Then I sat around.
Ticktock. Calculated the budget for the knitted projects I'm planning on doing: three sets of wristwarmers (aunt, mom, mairin), lingerie, felted needle holder (because OMG needles disorganized!), and my first sweater. Total budget hit around $80 and I realized I was going to have to do this in increments or be accused of being extravagent. (Dude, cashmere wristwarmers are EXPENSIVE to knit.) No one should have to pay $80 for 3 sets of gloves, one set of lingerie, a sweater, and a needle case, right? (Actually, that comes out to be about even, but can be purchased at the store without um, the labor) Stupid
Project Runway making me all arts and crafty...
As if on cue for
Rick's birthday,
Eidos seems to have selected the new face for Lara Croft--apparently pregnant and slexing Brad Pitt a Lara Croft makes you not, Angelina. (Rick works for
Crystal Dynamics) No, not
pixels, but like,
real personness. Although
high res-photos show cheap costume construction and um, tons of caked makeup, I really must wonder, ARE HER BOOBS REALLY BIGGER THAN HER HEAD? Because damn. Yay she's like the female Indiana Jones, except she never gets cold! ^_^
Anyhow, I was bored so I downloaded the
demo for the newest Star Wars game,
Empire at War. It could just be my video card (surely an ati radeon 9600 isn't out of date by now) but the graphics were kind of shitty and murgh, kind of blah. Setting things in cinematic mode was kind of cool *leads TIE fighters to go whoosh!* but um, kind of choppy.
Basically you lead troops to take over shit. So I tried to play Empire taking over Kashyyyk, because who doesn't want to terrorize a wookiee tree planet by leading a fleet of Imperial Star Destroyers?! But alas, it wasn't too interesting, it just involved a lot of clicking and I guess I have the patience of a Sith Lord, because I was like, "frigates, get the hell over here' *clickclickclickclick* and they took forever to get the hell over there! (Forever = 15 seconds instead of instantaneously) And although in less than fifteen minutes time I'd managed to navigate a nebula cloud and decimate an entire rebel base, I was still kind of uninterested. It seemed kind of repetitive and poopy. Maybe if I got far enough in the game to play with the Death Star...
It was good to see, though, that Ryloth seemed to follow canon lore with the one-side ice, one-side fire (YAY Jacen take
tenel_ka triapsing in the Ryloth snow in her lizard bathing suit and cop a feel!)
But yeah, I think Lucasarts should stick with their little FPS or um, RPG thingers because Jedi Outcast was really cool multiplayer (yay for flinging people across large rooms) and I'm sure the fps would have been fun for me if I hadn't had a crappy video card and didn't constantly run Kyle Katarn, who isn't SEXY! *pouts* off cliffs, partially due to incompetence and partially due to the fact that he
looked like my high school physiology teacher Mr. Elliott. KOTOR was certainly fun storywise (*smacks kotor 2 for being slightly anticlimatic*) but the battle system was sort of dull and boring. What they need to do is find a way to combine Jedi Outcast's FPS style with KOTOR and then leave the boring battlesystem as an option. Then make less bad guys pop up (I understand that bad guys are incompetent, but surely there was no way my character, Chuwumba Goldfish, could have managed to kill a gazillion rancors and at least a thousand sith).
Things Lucasarts needs to do for KOTOR 3:
1) Hire a good design company with a good understanding of SW and EU.
2) Do not give them a Christmas deadline that results in them running out of time and everyone crying.
3) Put in an even better customization engine for the protagonist's head, so it can look even more like Minna!
4) Leave the plot twists in and make supporting characters even more complex, including a backstabber/spy and insert BLACKMAIL.
5) Have supporting characters die and stay dead due to character incompetence. Make it unpredictable.
6) Include tactical decisions where you send someone off and they die. Muahahaha.
7) Make the female love interest believable and tasteful. Not whiney or murdery.
8) Make the male love interest not constipated or repressed/stupid.
9) Hire a fun writer for a fun storyline memememememmememme
10) Start making it nowwww.