Day 14 - Your most recent pairing
Ian/Mickey - Shameless
(image from this tumblr
Started this week XDDD
One closeted bad guy and one cute slut... of course i was going to like this !!!! XD and I love ian's smile when he's with Mickey :D
I hope their relationship will be more developped in S2 but I really liked their start ! (in search for icons :s )
Honorable mentions : Teddy/Billy from the young avengers (should i say Tim/Kon too ??? Ok... read nothing, see nothing about them but still... I already ship them XD THANKS BEAUTIFUL FANARTS ! XD )
Day 1 - Favourite straight pairing Day 2 - Favourite slash pairing Day 3 - Favourite sapphic/femmeslash pairing Day 4 - Favourite siblings
Day 5 - Favourite friendships Day 6 - Favourite parent-child relationships Day 7 - Favourite rivals Day 8 - Favourite partners-in-crime Day 9 - Favourite family unit (four or more people)
Day 10 - Least favourite pairing Day 11 - An "OT3" or threesome Day 12 - Favourite Person and Animal Companion Relationship Day 13 - Your first pairing Day 14 - Your most recent pairing
Day 15 - Favourite non-canon pairing
Day 16 - Pairing with the best chemistry
Day 17 - Favourite canon pairing
Day 18 - Favourite group of friends (four or more people)
Day 19 - Favorite band of villains
Day 20 - A pairing you like, but don't like what canon did/is doing with them
Day 21 - A pairing you think gets too little attention
Day 22 - A pairing that a lot of people ship, but you don’t
Day 23 - An unpopular pairing that you like
Day 24 - A pairing you think are actually together behind-the-scenes, but it's not confirmed in canon
Day 25 - A pairing that you have grown to like but didn't at first
Day 26 - Favourite childhood pairing
Day 27 - Pairing you think is the most adorable
Day 28 - A pairing people would be surprised you like
Day 29 - Your favourite of all the relationships you've posted so far
Day 30 - Free choice!
I rewatched How to train your dragon last night, and the more i watch it, the more i like it. Some scenes are really beautiful !!
just watch this !!! And today i went to see Sucker Punch with
rosengirl The fact is it's a Zack Snyder movie, so the visual, the music (the ost is just amazing !!), the rea are wonderful. But there's a lack of story, the lack of characters depth, a lack of real emotion...
But to say true, even with all these problems, i quite enjoyed it and i have a good time.
And as i rewatched the legend of ga'hool tonight, i only want to say : zack, stop writing movies, but go on making them forever !