Again some reviews

Oct 04, 2009 22:12

I made a lots of cleaning of my flat today but I could still watch some stuff :D

Merlin 2x03
I really liked this episode.
I expected that merlin would say he's a sorcerer but even if he didn't i think it was all well done. All the parrallel they made between Morgana and Merlin was great. We learn that even merlin suffered when his powers appeared. And I love all the empathy he has for Morgana because of this.
I love the relationship between Merlin and Gaius even more. It was so cute when Merlin says to gaius that he would be lost without him... and the way Gaius says he understands merlin at the end. the episode really shows how much important Gaius is to Merlin.
I loved to see Mordred again. and the end scene with him is really great. but does heknow that merlin was watching him ? i'm not sure...
Beside that, i don't kinow if it's me but i find that this season makes things get worst for all the magicians/sorcerers/druids... like they want things to be harder for merlin and now morgana... i quite like that in fact lol, more drama make cathy happy XD
And now I can't wait to see more morgana dealing with magic :DDDDD

A part from that, all the Arthur stuff was so good !!! all the episode was quite drama, but Arthur always made me laugh XD and the end scene with Merlin was priceless XDDDD


Favourite moment ? Hard to choose but I think it's the scene between Merlin and Gaius where merlin says how lost he would be without gaius... awwwwww

Flash Forward 1x02
I still don't know if i will like that show or not XD
I mean, I liked the episode, less than the 1st, but I liked it.
The actors are really great.
The story is entertaining.
But I still fear of what it tends to become, meaning a whole what the fuck piece of crap. Ifear it's really turning into that with compiracy things, mystery, supernatural and what i could call "Lost stuf". And i can't make my mind if the authors know where they're going or not...
But maybe I will have a great surprise, so... go on watching...

Favourite moment : hm... don't really know... the chief scene with mark ? talking about the real chief's vision ? it was quite funny XD

Trinity 1x01
or how to offer us Christian cook's ass on a plate ? XD

a part from that I don't know what to think.
I really enjoyed it but let's face it, it has a lot's of defaults i think.
First of all, some of the actors can't act... really... like the plate blond whore ? even christian cook, we can't say he's the best actor in the world but in fact he's one of the best actor in the show, so well... it gives you a clue of the level of acting lol
Next, the storyline... it's like a mix of gossip girl and i don'k know... cry wolf maybe ? well any type of mystery/thriller/horror teen movie... it could be good, except that for now the two parts are not well mixed... it's like you are watching some gossip girl like stuff and boum, mystery movie... you don't feel all the mystery surrounding when you are in a "gossip girl" thing... and it makes all the thing weird, really weird to watch, and most of all it's really hard to see what they want to do :s
and to finish, the sex scenes are really really bad (but ok, it was so LOL that it could be a good point lol) and some development are really but REALLY not credible... like how they make the good christian girl fuck Dorian after only one day... ok so what was the point to make her a good christian and all ?? I still don't understand...
Oh and another point : MORE GAYNESS PLIZ ! lol (they are rich decadent english teens... there must be some gays somewhere !)

But well... despite all the defaults, I ENJOYED the episode lol
I love Dorian of course XD the little rich brat. He's an under Chuck bass but he's still quite great XD (and seeing him naked most of the time helped a little lol). I could have loved all the Dorian/Charlotte relationship if they didn't get her into his bed already ><
Of curse I love the dandelion club and i want more of it !
and i want to know more about all the mystery stuff...
and the trailer was really intriguing so i will go on lol
and did i mention Christian cook's ass ? lol
(but pliz... kill the blond whore... and the blond teacher... ><)

Favourite moment : Dorian's ass ? XD

and good night people !

merlin, tv show, trinity, flash forward, uk tv

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