TV on the WE

Apr 05, 2009 16:10

Yesterday I watched Battlestar Galactica season 3 final... and OMG IT KILLED ME (so much that i felt totally empty after).

Then I watched the 3 first eipsode of Hero Corp and the following 2 this morning (french TV show).
It's quite good... I have some good laughs even if it doesn't reach Kaamelott level. It reminds me a bit of No Heroics lol
Par contre je suis un peu scandalisée que les 2 femmes, la pouffe et la tata, ne savent pas jouer pour 2 sous XD

I watched Primeval 3x02 and it was good as a Primeval can be good (yes because let's say it isn't the best show in the world but Connor is awesome so...)

Helen is gonna make a clone of Cutter XDDDDD OMG I can't wait for this ! XD

and finally I watched the first episode of the Inbetweeners and OMG IT WAS GREAT !! So funny XD I really enjoyed it from the begining to the end.
The characters are really adorable and funny like in a skins way of adorableness even if it's less trash than Skins. I enjoyed hearing some Lily Allen and the Fratellis songs (instrumental)
So hey give it a try folks (6 episodes of 20 min for the first season... it won't kill anyone)

brit, inbetweeners, french tv, primeval, bsg

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