FaBUlouS week end of Rainbow

Oct 12, 2008 18:43

this we was like a slash fest we O_O
Everything I watched was just slash slash and OMG slash !

Wincest wincest wincest
the global plot was a bit basic, but I love all the the things between the brothers.
The first scene with sam and dean, with dean punching Sam..; twice ! It was so strong.
and now Sam says he's gonna stop all of it... hm... i want to see that...I'm sure concerned demons will not allow that...

I won't say so much about Ugly betty. It was good but very expected.

Love the little dance of simon
Love when simon explain that dominic cooper is too sexual
Love the intellectual exchanges between Simon and Stephen fry
One of the best nmtb !!!!

Break up in tears
I didn't love this episode...
I mean, the plot was not so good...
The only thing which was interesting was all the scenes between House and Wilson...
The last scene was so heart breaking, when wilson says they maybe have never been friend, house should stay all alone... YOU BAD WILSON WATCH HOUSE MISERY !!

Save the enchanter save the world
Ok... we all knew that Arthur was going to save merlin... but when I saw Merlin helping Arthur while he was in a coma...
There's so much love XD
And I love Morgana more and more ♥ I know she also wants them to be together

Now... let's advertise
Show from bbc2
Simon Doonan is a british gay boy from New York reminding his fabulous childhood in Reading UK 1997.
And It's so sparkly, so funny, real and not realistic at the same time. The 2 first episodes were really really good.
You need other reasons to watch ?

Ok... there's not Dominic Cooper in it, but there's the other one, the other cuttie from History Boys, Samuel Barnett who plays grown up Simon.

and an extract from the first episode :

image Click to view

Episode 2 who is there ? it's chrissie from SJA ! XD

and it's gay gay gay...

(only black point is Simon boyfriend who, i found, was over gay acting... It was weird)

And I laughed a lot since Simon is dressed up the same way Ryan Ross from Panic at the disco is... (you can't hide anymore Ryan, you're gay !)

So watch watch watch !!!

(and i need the book now !)

To finish, I heard this horrible news about Being Human... the will redo the cast... the only remaining is Russel Tovey (which is quite a relief but I liked the 2 other ;_;)

ugly betty, being human, supernatural, house, tv show, merlin, nmtb, simon amstell, brit, beautiful people

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