The exciting world of Candace

May 28, 2005 21:58

So, watching the season finale of Lost without ever having watched an episode before isn’t such a good idea, or so I found out. ABC replayed it today and I decided to watch it because there was nothing else on and I was home alone. My brother, dad and sister were all at their respective jobs and my other brother and mom were at the Indians game, so that left me with nothing to do. I couldn’t go online because it ties up the phone, and I couldn’t call any of my friends because I needed to keep the line free for when my brother called for a ride home. Pretty much the only things that I could do were read or watch television. Since I’ve already read two books today (yeah, I’m a fast reader), I decided that it was TV time. Lost was the only thing that I had any interest whatsoever in watching. Never mind that I’ve never seen an episode, and I can only recognize three characters by sight. Not a problem, I thought. Apparently, this is a big problem, however, since I didn’t really have a clue what was going on. The only stuff that I got was what Valentine was talking about Thursday morning, and even that stuff I don’t really understand. I think I heard that ABC is re-showing the episodes over the summer. Maybe I’ll get more after I watch the rest.
I really don’t want to start my chemistry class on Tuesday. First of all, science and I don’t get along. At all. Secondly, who wants to waste four mornings a week for five weeks of their summer locked up in a classroom? Not me, that’s for sure. Also, this means that three days a week I have to work nights at work, which I hate doing. I much prefer working during the day. I know that what I’m doing is smart, and that when it’s over I’ll be glad that I did it, but that doesn’t make me look forward to it any more. Especially since I’m not going to have my textbook for the first week. My aunt works for a publishing company, so I get a lot of my textbooks through her, since she has connections. The textbook that I need is through one of those publishing companies, and it’s not supposed to get her until next Friday, which is a problem, since I’ll have had three classes by then. Hopefully we won’t get too much homework during that time, or else I’ll really be screwed. Oh well. I’ve survived worse.
Nothing else interesting (although, if you call that interesting I think there’s something wrong with you) has happened. It’s pretty much been work (although not as much as I would like), hanging out with my family and reading. Oh and I’ve been going to the library constantly as well. The most exciting thing that happened to me was that I saw Star Wars at midnight last week with two of my friends, and then I saw it twice more over that weekend. Boy, my life is interesting, huh? I really hope my life gets a little more interesting or else my summer is really going to suck.
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