1. what is the geekiest part of your music collection? Um, my Star Wars/Buffy soundtracks, I guess
2. what do you eat when you raid the fridge late at night? I don't raid the fridge at night.
3. what is your secret guaranteed weeping movie? The Notebook
4. if you could have plastic surgery, what would you have done? I wouldn't have plastic surgery.
5. do you have a completely irrational fear? I'm terribly afraid of spiders, especially tarantulas.
6. what is the little physical habit that gives away your insecure moment? I play with my hair.
7. are you a pyromaniac? No, I'm afraid of burning myself with the match.
8. do you have too many love interests? No
9. do you know anyone famous? No
10. describe your bed: Flower sheets and comforter
11. spontaneous or planned? I try to be planned, but it never works.
12. who should play you in a movie about your life? Um, dunno.
13. do you know how to play poker? Texas Hold'Em
14. what do you carry with you at all times? At school ~ my keys and ALL card, at home ~ purse
15. what do you miss most about being little? Playing
16. are you happy with your given name? Yep
17. how much money would it take to get you to give up the internet for one year? A lot
18. what color is your bedroom? White
19. what was the last song you were listening to? Are You Happy Now? ~ Michelle Branch
20. have you ever been in a play? Maybe once in 4th grade, but only because it was required.
21. have you ever been in love? No
22. do you talk a lot? Not usually
23. do you like yourself and believe in yourself? Most of the time
24. do transient, homeless, or starving people sometimes annoy you? Not really
25. do you consider yourself to be a nice person? Yes, sometimes too nice.
26. do you spend more time with your girlfriend/boyfriend or your friends? Well, since I don't have a boyfriend, I'm gonna have to say friends.
27. what is your ideal marriage location?: On the beach.
28. which musical instrument do you wish you could play? Guitar
29. favorite fabric? I don't have one.
30. something you love and hate? I don't know.
31. what kind of bedding do you use? Um, cotton, I guess.
32. do you tell your friends about your sex life? I don't have one, so no.
33. what's the one language you want to learn? Polish
34. how do you eat an apple? I bite it.
35. what do you order at a bar? Nothing
36. have you ever pierced your body parts? Ears
37. do you have tattoos? No, but I might consider it if I wasn't so deathly afraid of needles.
38. what's one of the "funniest" things you've ever done? I have no idea.
39. do you drive stick? Nope
40. what's one trait you hate in a person? Closed-mindedness
41. what kind of watch(es) do you wear? I used to wear an Indians one, but the battery's dead, and my dad hasn't gotten a new one for it. I also used to have a turquoise one with charms from Debbie, but it's broken.
42. most frivolous purchase? I don't know.
43. do you consider yourself materialistic? A bit
44. what do you cook the best? Grilled cheese, but hopefully that'll change this summer.
45. favorite writing instrument? Fluffy Piglet pen I got for my b-day from Debbie's parents.
46. do you prefer to stand out or blend in? Blend in
47. would you ever go out dressed like the opposite sex? Oh, no, I'd have to wear comfortable close. That would never happen.
48. what's one car you will never buy? A Hummer
49. what kind of books do you like to read? Romance (esp. Love, Inspired), historical fiction, mystery, Star Wars, Buffy, almost anything except for horror
50. if you won the lottery, what would you do? Travel, buy a car, buy my parents a new house
51. burial or cremation? Burial
52. how many online journals do you read regularly? Pretty much my f-list
53. what's one thing you're a sore loser at? Some games
54. if you don't like a person, how do you show it? I don't.
55. do you cry in front of friends? Not usually
56. what kind of first impression do you think you give to people? Quiet and reserved
57. what's one thing you like to do alone? Read
58. are you a giver or a taker? Giver
59. when's the last time you cried? The last time I watched The Notebook
60. favorite communication method? In person
61. how many drinks before you're tipsy? I don't drink, so I wouldn't know.
62. do you think you're cute? I can be.