Sep 02, 2007 16:43
so, i dropped lingustics to take latin. dropping a potentially easy class for what looks to be an incredibly hard class. maybe not the smartest choice, but y'know, it is my anyway, my semester just got a lot more difficult - two history classes, then latin and the less difficult marching band, table tennis, and peer advising
first game was pretty fun, but both the marching band and the football team will definitely need to improve as the season goes on...
i got sunburned again. because i am a moron sometimes...i am not looking forward to having skin cancer removed from my nose :(
just finished gilgamesh - was actually a pretty good read. i'm also reading the inferno and liking that for the most part as well. de rerum naturum or whatever it is (lucretius, anyway) is definetely not as enjoyable, but i've only gotten through about 6 lines of it...and i'm supposed to have about 80 done by tuesday :(