
Apr 11, 2009 00:46

So, while I was in Pigeon Forge I found a place called Book Warehouse, a lovely store where scrumptious $30 hardbacks are available for $8. The selection is kind of odd, but that suits me just fine; personally I love randomly picking things up and seeing what I get. (That reminds me, I found my old library card. I should get a new one so I can stop spending money.)

From this Mecca I selected three volumes (I was keeping it under $20, okay! believe me, I wanted more): La Perdida by Jessica Abel (a graphic novel), The Tattoo Artist by Jill Coment (which I initially pulled off the shelf because it had deckled pages), and Paperback Original by Will Rhode. I figured if any of them sucked, I'd only be out a couple of bucks.

Well, so far I'm 3 for 3. ^_^ I'm only halfway through Paperback, but it's hilariously odd. La Perdida (which means "the lost one") was very much like Blankets in Mexico without the warm fuzzy feelings. And The Tattoo Artist was a gem, not for its plot, which was actually rather simple, but for it's prose and construction. Remember how Momento is boring as hell told forwards, but intriguing told in a backwards patchwork? Yeah, kinda like that. And the prose is beautiful. I highly recommend it.
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