Nov 03, 2005 08:16
LJ has new toys! Check out the image hosting. About time! :-)
I haven't even looked at LJ in forever. Been crazy busy lately. I'm still trying to catch up on my notes for work, and I am getting closer. I was hoping to be done already, but am hoping I'll get them all caught up by the end of this weekend.
Family life is beyond effed up right now. There are two big things that have happened / are going on:
1) We had to get rid of Toffee, our cat last friday. He was still having peeing problems sporadically and we just couldn't have that. It's been going on for over a year now, and we've spent well over a thousand bucks on things to try and get him to stop, and nothing worked. We really didn't want to get rid of him, and really looked for someone to take him him, but noone could. It was really sad. :-(
2) We found out a few days ago that a close family member is pregnant unexpectantly, and she's a minor. Which is surprising news, but that's not even the bad part. That side of the family, her immediate family, is all telling her to get an abortion. Which I am totally against. She says she doesn't want to have an abortion. But her family is telling her to, and even her boyfriend is saying maybe she should. I am just really hoping and praying that she doesn't give in to pressure from them and make a decision because of them, but that she does what she really wants to. Anna and I were even talking about how we could help her out, from little things like giving her prenatal vitamins and books to read to even offering a place to stay if needed or care for the baby (we're even considering taking fostering/adoption classes).
So that's what's going on. Big stuff. So don't be surprised if I continue to not be around much for a while. If you're the praying type, please keep that stuff in prayer, that would be awesome.