Jul 21, 2007 22:20
Since 12:20 am, I have been tearing through the incredible conclusion of my beloved Harry Potter series with baited breath. I made it last all day so that I could absorb the info and details, and avoid the ending that I thought I might be disappointed in, but it is brilliant!!
Okay, I got that off my chest. Great book! Great way to end it! I love how Rowling messes with your mind as Harry's mind is messed with: I began to question, ever so slightly, if I was wrong about Snape being good and if Dumbledore didn't have perfectly pure intentions, and then everything sorts out! yay! Everything finally makes sense! and Neville was like Rambo! ha! I'm so happy that Harry got to both die and live!! why pick one when you can do both?!?
And everyone pairs up and has babies in the end!! Except for poor Lupin and Tonks who leave their son an orphan. :( Yet, I did nothing more than tear up on occassion, although I was tense through the whole thing, mainly because I half expected Ron and Hermionie to die, the way everyone was going on about the spoilers and such. I expected the story to make me sob, but with the battles, people died randomly left and right, so there was no dramatic build up, which seems even more sad for the characters, yet they got to go out with a bang. Everyone was expecting a sappy, predictible killing spree, but I think Rowling made an uplifting, meaningful tale that, although fulfilled some predictions, took them even further. Like Snape loving Lilly?!? awww....it makes me love him more really. I really liked the totalitarian aspect to it, as it played to my love of distopia tales. I always thought Umbridge was beyond cruel and in the evil realm. I was upset when I thought Hagrid was dead, but I held onto the hope, and it prevailed! and I really loved the ending battle and the Elder Wand twist and Harry as with a bit of Voldy soul and him bravely walking towards death. So incredible!
It was definitely very Lord of the Ringy though, with the different subplots and going ons and Harry as the "One" to save the world as he had to journey to destroy objects of power (like the one ring) and so on, but it was actually enjoyable to read. hehe. And Kreacher was loveable! didn't see that coming! he's like Gollum I suppose, except his good side sticks in the end. Poor, poor Dobby. I shed a cool single tear for him. He died saving Harry, which is fitting really. ooo! I can't wait to read it again! Courtney and my dad have to have a go and then perhaps my mom, although she stole Ashley's copy around 6am when we were napping and read the first chapter! ha! I guess she couldn't handle all the hype! I got a little miffed with her though, since she hasn't read the others, it's rather pointless for her to read the last one; she wouldn't understand most of it. she just wants to know who dies really, as that was the big question for the last few months. 9 significant deaths, including Harry's sorta one, I think. And yet by the end you feel so happy you could explode!!! The epilogue was a little too perfect, but I liked it all the same. The prospect of everyone's kids being friends and all that is grand. But what happened to Luna?!? I think she married Professor Neville and became a professor of art or something awesome.
It doesn't feel over, mostly due to the fact that the 3 main characters are all alive and happy. That's the best way to end it; with the possibility to continue, if only in our minds. :)
Brava, JK! Excellent end to a wonderful journey! and the journey hasn't ended yet! yes, we know how and why everything happened, but there are 2 movies and a theme park coming out, not to mention all the fanfiction that will pour out of this. So, I will hold onto this lovely bit of childhood and take its morals and heartwarming tale to heart. I predict there will be many more midnights to dress up like a dork. So, fear not world! The end is not the end!