Jun 16, 2007 20:18
Maybe it is due to the fact that I am currently rereading all of the Harry Potter series (to prepare), or that I always say 'Lumos' when I switch on a flashlight (it's probably both), but during the last two days while at Kutztown for "Connections" I could not help but realize the amazing comparisons between college and Hogwarts (making it even more exciting of course!)
First years at Hogwarts, equivalent to Freshmen, basically have their schedules already set in stone, since it's all intro stuff.
Students have professors who treat them as independent adults (even though first years are 11, no one holds their hands to get them through class).
Hogwartsers don't have the same classes every day or even all back to back like High School.
Both get assignments for the summer, require tons of studying, and cause major stress.
Hogwartsers predict what they want to do jobwise and, in later years, have specialized classes to train them.
And many, many more!
Thankfully, at least I hope so, College does not have professors as boring as Binns or as mean as Snape or with as much crazy, evil crap going on. KU does have a ghost apparently, but she is "friendly". Darn. I was all ready to call those Winchester boys. Take that Ghostbusters!
College will be AMAZING, especially since it is so much like the school we've all grown up wishing we could be enrolled in. Connections was great; I made some friends (though not a tall redhead, brave love-starved kid, or a caring brain, not for lack of trying, mind) , got homework (great in that it is reading a graphic novel that the illustration prof wrote/drew), and made my schedule!!
Here are my classes at Hogwarts: No math or science! Only one class on Tuesdays and Thursdays! I like it already!!
Drawing I 3:00-5:50pm TTH
Art History: Renaissance-20th cent. 2:00-2:50pm MWF
2D Design 6:30-9:20pm MW
Honors Comp. 10:00-10:50am MWF
French IV 1:00-1:50pm MWF
It shall be magical indeed! and just as stressful I'm sure, what with all the studio time. oh, how handy magic would be.