Feb 20, 2007 09:27
so. no dog yet. however, I'm going to try to call again today. you see, I called about adopting Penny and Sadie, the two dachshunds that I fell in love with, and they had been adopted a few days ago. sad, but I'm glad they got a home! since Penny was 5, I didn't want her to live her next 5-10 years in a shelter. but anyway, so they were adopted, which is great. and the woman I talked to said that she had recently been to the Guthrie animal shelter, and thought they had a young dachshund. she told me who to ask for and everything, and I called Saturday night and left a message. I figured they probably weren't open Sunday, but I tried to call again yesterday and again, noone answered. maybe because of President's Day? I don't know. but I hope they are open today! I'm going to try to call again, I just would like to talk to them and find out if they have one or not. the irritating thing is, I can not find ANYTHING about the Guthrie animal shelter anywhere. no address. no info. nothing. I got the phone number from the Guthrie Animal... Control? I think? I called information and they apparently didn't have a number for the shelter either, because they gave me the number for animal control. the girl that answered was like "oh, yeah, they probably just gave you this because it's a 24 hour number. I can give you the shelter's number." I'm starting to think, however, that this shelter exists only in an alternate dimension, and because of this, I will only ever be able to speak with the answering machine. it's getting a bit irritating. oh well.
um... not much other exciting news. tkd tonight. I've been working out alot. this program at work where we get free stuff for working out is a nice motivator. so is how awesome I look. I'm hot. for real. and! I can run a mile in 10 mintues! at least... I can on the treadmill. :P I know it's not quite the same as outside, but if I can stop being such a bum and watching both episodes of Frasier every night and actually GO TO BED, I'm going to try to get up and run outside some in the mornings. the weather has been so great! I'd love to get up and get a little sun. plus, now the sun is up before 8am, so I actually could get up and do it. lol. but anyway. I know that's still not as fast as a Powell (tho noone is) or anyone probably on a track team. but it was my goal, and I did it, so I'm pretty proud of myself. the next goal is to work up to 2 miles in 20 minutes, but we'll see how that goes. ;) I added weight training to my workout once a week. I was reading a health article the other day, and it said that most women don't realize how much some weight training will do for their tone. alot of women think that if they use weights they will bulk up, but this isn't so. it just forces some of your less-used muscles to get a workout, and so you get better tone. i.e., less jiggly arm. ;) anyway. I know you're all jealous of how much of a beast I am. but it's ok. you too can look like this, if you become a workout maniac! ;) lol. ok, ok. I'm done being vain and ridiculous.
well, almost 9:30, so off to work. later!