More bad news . . .

Jul 03, 2004 22:47

Woke up this morning to find that Shannon had disappeared. We've got to find out what has happened here to make everyone go Left Behind (but without the cheesy religiousity). We stayed up late last night poring over books, and the Internet, trying to find some explanation for what is happening to us. Everyone's really stressed. Bridget actually got so aggravated with me that she hit me in the back of the head with a dusty old copy of The Quor'toth Codex. After apologizing profusely, she returned to paging through the book, leaving me with a massive headache. Willow tried a few locater spells, but to no avail. That's how we know we're dealing with uncharted territory here; when not even the simplest locater spell will work, you know things are of the non-good variety.

Slept pretty well last night, considering. We all holed up in Willow's apartment, those of us who were left. Ben didn't leave my side. I had a dream about Gates McFadden, from Star Trek. Don't know what that was about; I haven't watched my Next Generation DVDs in quite some time . . .

We turned on the TV, trying to find a news report to tell us if this disappearing act is just happening to us, or if it's happening all over the place, like the time everyone in Sunnydale lost their voices, or the time everyone started singing. Good times. Anyway, it was, naturally, happening only to us. (We get all the fun stuff. Joy.)

Ben was concerned. He said this wasn't what he had bargained for when he hopped on that plane at Heathrow. I told him not to worry, we'd eventually figure it all out, like we always do. I told him about that time Willow kissed Kennedy and turned into Warren, and the time Xander dated that demon girl who tied him up above the Seal of Danzalthar, and the time Buffy went into the alternate dimension through the portal in Mr. Wood's mom's box. All those incidents ended okay. Some blood was spilled, and some minor property damage occurred, but all in all, we all turned out okay. (Now, the First and Caleb and the Bringers and the Turok-Han were another story, but Ben didn't really seem relieved by the stories I did tell, so I figured I'd save those for another day.)

Wait a parsec.

Alternate dimensions . . .

Gates McFadden . . .


*runs upstairs to get Star Trek: TNG Season 4 DVDs*
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