So... woken up by a nightmare and can't go back to sleep...

Dec 01, 2010 05:08

So this has been a bad month for me...  The most important and vital issue and please put here in you payers, I BEG of you:
My Nana, who is 85 and by far and away one of the coolest people in the WORLD is in the hospital right now and currently still unconscious.  She's been in the hospital now for... two, three weeks?  To be honest I've been so stressed out about this that I lost track.
My brain has been in OhMyGodOhMyGodOhMyGod mode all month though.  My Nana is now the same age my Grandma was when she died, and Nana always seemed... indestructible, rather like Aunt Ross (who is 97 and still living alone/driving herself to Temple and such) and...
Now all of a sudden my indestructible grandmother is this frail figure on a bed and a ventilator and to go in and see her they have to wear a gown, gloves, a mask, hair covers, shoe covers and such.
All I can do is pace and freak out and worry and snatch up the phone every time it rings and hope that it's more good news (right now they say she's out of danger, her intestines are no longer 'rigid as a board' and are pliable again, and the family that can BE there (my aunts) say that the doctors think they won't need to do any MORE surgary
Okay her color has improved and they say she'll be fine and should be off the ventilator and awake sometime next week.
So naturally I'm still stressed, paniced and all but in tears, because I'm still in the wrong god damn state.

And now is the last 2 weeks of school, so final projects, finals (each one is HALF my final grade, AUUUUUUUGH) group projects, a full years classroom management plan (50 pages AUUUUUUGH), a portfolio and I need to find a school to intern at.
In two weeks

And Nana still isn't awake
And Leslie Nielson is dead.  He's 'just an actor' I know, I did not know him personally but he was one of the GREATS and with actors, when you see them on screen all them on screen... augh, it's stupid, I know but my brain is giving off white noise because I can't believe he's dead

oh and we were robbed (what is WITH this?) and I fell down the stairs with a/because of  dislocated hip because my body apparently hates me



I hate November, I want December to be better.
I want Nana awake and to hear that she'll be fine and starting rehab.
...and passing all my classes this term would be nice too:(

and I want to stop being robbed.
I will try to actually read emails, livejournals and everything else this week or after finals.
Okay move that to 'try to after finals'
Once I have word on Nana expect (and pray for) a huge SHE"S ALRIGHT post.  I want to make that post soon.

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