There are times I wish life were a bit... different.

Aug 31, 2010 03:12

Here I am, at 3 am, having woken up at said time last night and then working on my feet non-stop till 9 pm...
and I'm awake now for the same reason I was then
Dear heavens I HURT. It's a 'just think about getting home and curling up under the hot water after taking the strongest pain killers you can' to get through the day pain, and it's been like this the last few weeks. T'is driving me batty, usually I just shrug and go on with it, normal-every-day-stuff no distractions from day-to-day life but lately. ...Ow. That sums it up well. Ow. More ow than usual to a rather impressive degree of more which I can't sort out WHY it's changed.
But life moves on and now my school term has started and I'm on my way to being a teacher (not sure if that's what I want, but it's really my only financial option and I'm good at teaching so moving on...) If I pass these four classes then it's one more term and a few months of internship, then I get a fancy paper saying I'm not a raving worshiper of the pull of the moon or Cthullu or what have you and am safe to be left alone around children. ...remind me, why am I doing this?
So truck, school, life, work, making ends meet.
Being annoyed at Sally who recently got to my kitbash-secretary-desk (HOW she did it I know not) and now I'm in the process of remaking Team Knight Rider AGAIN... at least the human figures survived. Barricade needs a rebuild/transfer of lasercore, but ZoomZoom-the-uber-expensive and most of the others escaped the chewinator. On a fun side note, Kat and Plato's molds have recently been re-released, and I've got an idea for how to make them 'covered' bikes, a new variation on the paint jobs and work better in combocar mode. ...SkyOne still needs to be modded for VTOL capabilities

Also have been working on timeline for the 'alt-verse' that we use for TFs.
Unlike Koivese (waves to Koi, Hi! hope you're feeling well^^), ours hails a bit more heavily from the early days of the comics, when this was taking place in one of the Marvel Universes (not 616), one that has basically ended up being made up of 'What If' universes. Tis very fun, and it also means we can get away with a FAR smaller cast of background 'superheros/villains' than 616 ever had... and over half the list are just in said list for 'cameo' purposes so we know who to cameo where/when. Yes most of this won't show up in the direct plots but knowing the history means that when someone mentions an event it's an event we had listed and can actually point to instead of the trope Chekhov's wrench/gun.

Oh and never let me be bored and in pain, I couldn't focus enough to work on technobabble or time-lines so... I grabbed some of my language study books and dictionaries and started idly burning my way through TF-name meanings/traits while watching 'The Hogfather', listening to Broadway Lion King and either re-reading Simbamarasa's 'Shadows' or skimming through Trecathlus' quickly growing collection of Milieu(s) and looking for simularties and unifying structural elements across Cybertron
I've mentioned that I'm weird and need a lot of mental stimulation when I'm hurting right? Keep the mind busy and the body can complain all it wants and all that boring mind-over-matter-who-really-believes-in-this-stuff--besides-TFA-Prowl-anyway?
So yeah, I'm keeping busy. I hope everyone is doing well and I'll try to post a journal that is more than just 'status quo remains status quo'
*SNEAK-TACKLE-HUGS Van. Dear Heavens and Piken-speckled-moments-of-squee I missed you, sis!!* the only question is did I remember how to spell Piken properly?^^
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