Mar 29, 2009 20:39
I woke up around 7am, as usual.
I ate breakfast at the usual spot and hung out with Lenny. He's a 70+ old dude that always hangs out at the same spot I do on the weekends. He's like a grandfather to me, a dirty old one. He harasses all of the waitresses, calls the ladies "dames" and goes on to say racially charged things at times. Yeah, a great influence on me.. just what I need, right?
Lenny has a lot of interesting things to say about life. I enjoy listening to him talk about the past while I drink my coffee and try to relate things from his time to my life in the now. Today he told me not to keep so much shit. He told me a story of how when he moved out of the house he lived in for 23 years, he found things that he didn't even know existed, things he didn't know he owned. He also bestowed the knowledge onto me that any of the things that I do keep, that I should keep them nice and they will take care of me. Strange advice from the man that usually gives me tips on how to screw the rose parade princess, as he did when he was my age.
We parted ways about 9am where I went to my new house. I took up a pen and a pad and wrote down all of the little imperfections i found in my house and the supplies i would need to fix them. i drove to home depot and spent a good three hours trolling the aisles tossing items into my cart.
When I got home i accomplished a few of the tasks i bought supplies for. I spackled up all the big nail holes in the house. I spackled up a little spot behind my bathroom door where the knob hit the drywall and screwed it up. I patched and spackled a big spot behind one the doors of my rental rooms where the knob went all the way through the drywall.
I replaced the dimmer switch in my bedroom with one that wasn't missing the knob. I installed a sink plunger thing so that i don't drop shit down the drain in the bathroom sink. i put floor mats out around all the entrances of the house. I fixed the sliding glass door in the kitchen so that it'd lock properly. I installed a smoke detector to the pre-existing home wiring. I prepared one of the rental rooms to be primed for painting tomorrow. I took a piece of wood trim to Ben's house so that he could cut it and drill some pilot holes so that i can easily install it tomorrow.
While at Ben and Brooke's house, Brooke made pork loin and Ben made scotch on the rocks.
ahh.. what a fine meal with friends.
I waited awhile and drove back to my apartment. I plan on relaxing and watching a movie, and falling asleep early.
Tomorrow I plan on primering both of my rental bedrooms, picking a color to paint them, picking out curtains to go with the room. I also plan on getting curtains and rods for my bedroom and the living room. I'll let all of that dry overnight and hopefully paint the place on tuesday.
Perhaps if it's not raining monday or tuesday night I'll get all of the big stuff moved from my apartment over to the house. if not, then I'll just go through and do it next weekend.