Apr 11, 2007 23:23
To accent or not to accent? I'm working on my Two ficathon story and Jamie is stumping me a bit. I can clearly hear his voice in my head, but I'm a bit self-conscious about writing down exactly what I hear. What do you guys do?
doctor who,
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Jamie, on the other hand, never lets you forget his accent. I suspect it's because Frazier Hines is actually English and he worked hard on that accent, but whatever the reason, he never lets it slip. It's always there and in your face, which is why I was wondering whether folks thought I absolutely had to include it. The consensus seems to be that I don't have to, so I won't. This is a relief!
And with Hex...meh, just kill the bastard off. Bloody third wheel messing with my Seven'n'Ace dynamic *grumbles* :p
*sticks tongue out at you* I like Hex. Seven and Ace wanted a child to cement their relationship, but their life is a bit hectic for a Time Tot. It makes perfect sense to me that they'd adopt a naïve young man. Besides, Ace will fuck your shit up if anything happens to her little Hexy!
Seven and Ace wanted a child to cement their relationship, but their life is a bit hectic for a Time Tot. It makes perfect sense to me that they'd adopt a naïve young man.
And almost died from laughing. Oh, man! That's so awesome. I ship Ace/Hex pretty fanatically, but this is another extremely excellent way of looking at it. ;)
I ship Ace/Hex pretty fanatically
I can definitely see that, but I'm a sucker for one-way crushes. Of course, if I had the visual image of Hex and Ace touching as often as Seven touches Ace, I might very well 'ship for a happy ending instead...
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