Jan 26, 2009 16:32
Story time!
So last night I was chilling out with Greg in my room when I think I see a little brown think in my closet and then disappear. Yeah, what the heck? So Greg and I go to investigate. We don't see anything at first, so I figure I'm just insane. We keeping looking though and sure enough we found evidence of a mouse. We found the little sucker chilling in a back corner, chowing down on my Top Ramen! What the heck!!! After trying to think of ways to catch it, it ran down through a little crack down under my closet....so I've got a little mousey friend living under my closet... : -| Not happy. I don't really want to go to the Atrium because it's too much of a hastle to have someone come in, rummage through my stuff, invade my personal space, and take care of the little guy, so I think I'm going to try to catch him and set him free outside. By myself. No beauracracy....oy. What a pain. Greg did enjoy teasing me though last night...when I wasn't paying attention he would run his fingers across my foot or something and scare the crap out of me...meanie. Gotta catch it! I can't live like this! lol
In other news classes are getting started and I've (as always) got reading galour. But I love it. : ) We're starting The Prince by Machiavelli this week in my theory class, so that's awesome. : D Cause I'm a dork. My Child and Family Sciences are alright...a little fuzzy and fluffy, ya know? Well, just one of them really. My teacher (who has a really high girly voice) takes role by having us take turns and answering a question about ourselves. The first day was to say something about our family identity and ethnicity/culture/religion. Day 2 was a story about our names, and today was best book we've read recently. Such fluff and nonsense. Not to sound harsh, but I really don't care about the favorite books of 30 strangers...it always makes me thankful I have my political theory class after with my awesome professor who is totally down to Earth, thought provoking, and who makes us really analyze stuff. He's awesome. Anyway, I'm at work right now and avoiding doing homework. Blah....Well, I should go start that now....Talk to you lovely ladies (and one gentleman) later!