TV thoughts

Apr 01, 2009 09:47

1. Heroes 3x21
I liked about 2/3 of this episode (guess which part I *didn't*), so I guess that's still okay.

While I'm glad we're finally getting some real Nathan-Claire interaction I think my heart grew three sizes when Nathan bought Claire back the necklace Noah had given her. Her selling it was played perfectly with me, but Nathan getting it back for her was a great moment too and carried lots of levels with it.

But I'm not going to address how completely incesry that whole plotline was.

The highlight of the rest of the episode was as always Noah Bennet. He's playing this game on so many levels and playing it dangerously. But he's completely right when he points out that Danko really needs to have more intel before striking. It's fine to want to wipe out people with abilities, but don't be *stupid* about it (not it's not fine but that's a different point).

The Angela and Peter stuff was...spotty but well meant. I wish we'd seen more of the Petrellis' religious leanings before, particularly to justify Peter's deal and anger with God (Angela I can deal with better I guess because her background and motivations are still more mysterious) but it was interesting.

I enjoyed TBBT more than HIMYM this week. Nothing wrong with HIMYM, just TBBT resonated with me better.

It often seems Penny doesn't get as much...pov time as the guys so it's nice when it does happen. And giving her some big character development while at it was great. I don't think she was ever conniving with the guys, even when she first met them, but she did *unintentionally* use them much the way new-girl does (but she does with much more intent). I think this probably helped her realize that a bit and furthered her character growth. That and seeing her start comparing things to Star Trek is awesome and really more than her defense of and jealousy about the guys here proved to me how much she's come to mean them. It's easy to have her be jealous of someone moving in on "her turf" but showing that it's not outsider possessiveness but because she's really part of the gang was great.

HIMYM was charming as usual, I just don't really have anything I'm focusing on about it.

3. Doctor Who: Is it just me or is it getting harder for me to stay under my spoiler free rock? Must mean we're getting closer to the special. I *think* I can make it another couple weeks for this special, but I'm starting to have my doubts about the next one. Well, one special at a time.

4. Given that I couldn't sleep much last night I seem to have like ten new fandom meta things I'm thinking about going into such as
-BBC "family" programming (DW/RH)
-My Robin Hood likes/dislikes habits
-Why I can't seem to ship Barney/Robin (himym)
-Claire's relationships with her dads (Heroes)
-Why I hate Sylar (Heroes)
-BSG vs. B5
I think there were more but I'm still kind of foggy.

doctor who, othertv, himym, heroes, babble

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