Association Meme: Comment to this post and I will give you 5 subjects/things I associate you with. Then post this in your LJ and elaborate on the subjects given.
So now
ginamak said
1) Pixy stix
2) fanvids
3) BSG
4) Babylon 5
5) Stargate SG-1
First off Gina, those are fine things to associate with me, most of my journal is about fanish things so I'm really not surprised that what I get known for. Now...
1) Pixy stix
Sometimes I feel like I don't use that icon as much as I would think seeing as it's my default one and is able to fit most anywhere, their for laughs or uplifting or just generality. But it appears I use it plenty since everyone associates me with it. Good to know.
All all this commenting on it makes me kind of want pixy stix.
2) fanvids
I hope the fact that I'm associated with my vids is a good thing. I'd hate to think of them as bad and everyone knows it except apparently me. I'm not saying I think that, I'm just making sure to come up with different things to say on each of these. Mostly just fanvids are a big part of my...exposure in fandom so I'm not surprised.
Fanvids are just more my language than fanfic for communicating some things to the world (I also am a bit more of a vid watching addict than fanfic reading, but they both go in phases).
3) BSG
I hadn't quite realized how BSG associated I was, but it'll stay that way at least through the end of the season/show. I'm kind of racing for the end in the exact opposite of the way I'm pretending to ignore the end of my Doctor Who. I want to see BSG through to the end (I watched the miniseries back when it first aired and have sat through all the monster hiatuses I'm going to see how it ends) while Doctor Who...nope not going there because it makes me angry.
4) Babylon 5
Sigh. Oh, B5. This is my lifelong love of a show. It's too soon to know with Doctor Who which is the only show currently possible for that type of love. BSG was under consideration at some point but stopped being along the way. Buffy came close but didn't quite make it.
Everyone should watch B5, it's such a great story and an achievement of televised story telling. Plus interesting characters, believable ships, and what I think is the most realized TV universe I've seen.
I still love you JMS, you're awesome.
5) Stargate SG-1
Do I really talk SG1 all that often? Hmm, hadn't realized, I always thought I needed to go more since a lot of my opinions on the show I've done much more talking about on other people's journals than on my own.
SG1 is sort of an anomalous show for me. I enjoy it and it has lots of stuff I like but...what makes me really fanish about it is stuff that never happened because it only happened in my brain AU. I have very few strong opinions about the characters or their relationships in contrast to my passionate for characters and ship nature. I *like* the characters, and love Daniel, but not the way I adore or really enjoy the arcs of characters on other shows.