There was a time when livejournal was a thing...

Mar 29, 2020 00:46

I know this is a really shallow thing to complain about, but well here’s the shallowest side-effect of the current pandemic. This stuff has so permeated my mind that I find when I’m writing I have a heightened awareness of how the characters are not practicing proper precautions. Not just feeling a little weird about having them close to each other (in some ways my usual hang-ups about too much human contact were already something I had to work around, or identify with a character who’s wary of casual touch too) but if they want to order takeout or go out for coffee or have someone over from out of town.

I’m not even quite this hung-up about things for myself (at least not yet) since I live in an area that hasn’t been hit badly so far and neither I nor the rest of the house go out much anyway (we practiced social distancing before it was cool). But I find myself dwelling on how long it might have been since characters last washed their hands if they’re going to getting close to each other. And I set a lot of stock in hand holding, shoulder touching, and forehead kissing (yes even when I may or may not be trying to write porn) and right now none of it seems like proper social distancing.

Thus ends the pettiest objection to Coronavirus anyone has had. Best of luck to anyone with far more to worry about and stay safe out there, everyone.

Also I haven’t been posting here much, but if you happen to miss my various TV opinions I’ve been posting over on DW at tori_reviews.

covid, writing, real life

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