Small TV rundown

Nov 17, 2015 23:52

So this ended up being a really light week for my TV viewing, here’s what I got to.

Saving Hope 4x01
So I’m finally starting on this season of this one, and this episode was basically just your average hospital drama with even less of the actual flavor stuff than usual. Except that in the end things have changed for Charlie (although, come to think of it, he had seen spirits outside the hospital before a couple times), but we don’t yet know what’s going to come from that. Also, it’s been a while, but didn’t he and Alex reach a point of him not hiding the ghost stuff from her anymore? And this episode was pretty focused on just Alex and Charlie so we didn’t get a ton of update on what’s going on with the rest of the characters, which I could have used I think, So okay, but not stellar even for this show.

Flash 2x06
I think I really liked that episode. It was a lot of action but it had enough other moments to hold it together well. Like with Arrow there are getting to be a ridiculous number of people in on the whole secret identity thing, which actually makes it kind of extra ridiculous that they’re not telling Patti, they’re just all looking really suspicious with the lies. To be fair I’m not sure I trust what her reaction would be to the Barry is the Flash news, I just barely got past mistrusting her in general, but the lies don’t make me trust her eventual reaction any more than I would trust it now. Also nobody seemed terribly concerned that Dr. Light was still out there, which was weird to me.

Agents of SHIELD 3x07
That was a good episode too, but my thoughts on it are all jumbled coming out of it so I don’t really know what to say. It was definitely good, though not exactly emotionally satisfying, at least for me. It was close to great, but will have to settle for pretty good.

Arrow 4x06
Another good episode, only complaint is that they really rushed Sara’s story although I guess she and Ray can both head for Central City fact Ray’s developments may be in line to help Barry out of his situation. Most of the other characters got some good development out of this episode which is already nice to see. I do worry that Oliver and Felicity are going along too well and the TV gods will insist on doing something drastic to stop that. Also Donna/Quentin seems pretty contrived but surprisingly seemed nice in their scene together, I don’t know if it’s maybe going anywhere but in spite of the coincidental nature I kind of hope it does. I do wish Sara had gotten a little more to do before taking off though, that does kind of bug me.

tv rundown, agents of shield, dc-cw, saving hope

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