Welcome back Originals

Jan 14, 2014 22:38

Oh cracky vampire show (the one I still like), welcome back.

The Originals 1x10 immediate reactions

-They were feeding Tim vampire blood to try and heal him right? Therefore shouldn’t we have vamp-Tim coming up? And given the relevance the character has had so far I’d kind of be surprised if he was just gone.

-I find Elijah and Hayley interacting to be eye-roll-inducing, but Hayley kinda sorta betraying Elijah, I’m down for that. Apparently I have no use for Elijah in relationships where there’s no question of trust.

-Also Elijah’s diaries continue to be amusing for their smugness and sanctimoniousness.

-Did they ever actually explain what the Casket Girls were/are? Because they kept referring to it like it’s a thing but I didn’t understand why it was at all relevant. And is the New Orleans thing that I just don't get?

-On one hand I’m perfectly fine with people calling Elijah on his hypocrisy of being the honorable one and what he actually does or allows to happen but I’m not real clear on what Davina’s actual objections were.

-I’m super glad Rebekah’s making her own play for power. Although why she doesn’t just move to New York and take over that city instead is beyond me. You guys are competing over a neighborhood like its super important and while I kind of get Klaus is basically a dog obsessed with fighting over a particular bone, why is Rebekah?

-While I haven’t tried at all to figure out the time frame the episodes line up to cover, I suspect it is much less than Hayley’s baby bump appears to mark time as. How much you want to bet somewhere down the line someone will actually notice the discrepancy and claim it was some kind of accelerated pregnancy even though it was never remarked on during this season?

-Did this director think Josh has a think for Davina? Because some of the shots made it seem like it, even though there’s nothing about their interaction that doesn’t fit with them being BFF. Now granted, if he weren’t gay I’d be all over shipping that but as is I kind of don’t. Still, really like having some friendship stuff going on in this show.

-Okay, so as pretty well done as Marcel’s confrontation with Davina was, I’m me so my thoughts went to Elijah. Because it’s totally possible to love someone and be using them at the same time, it’s basically the story of Elijah’s - actually the Original family as a whole - life.

-I wish we had gotten more scenes between Elijah and Davina prior to this episode, because it’s really hard to feel that she’s been betrayed or that he’s all that committed to her safety when there’s been so little development between them. Even if I do think she’s his Elena-surrogate for the moment and that fills in some of the gaps on his side at least.

-I am glad Sofie’s back in the picture, I hadn’t exactly missed her but she had been missing during the less than stellar run of episodes we got leading up to the break, so maybe there was a connection beyond the Tyler effect.

-Speaking of Tyler, the fact that he’s still apparently being stored in a deep dark corner appeals to me, he can stay there for a good long while if the show wants.

-I liked Cami’s stuff even if I can’t think of anything really to say about it. Hopefully it’s going interesting places.

-Not sure how I feel about the end reveal, I hope it’s going to be good though, it certainly has potential.

-In fact I liked a lot of the episode, so welcome back Originals, hope we can keep the momentum going.

reaction post, the originals

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