Okay, let’s do a little baseball talk:
Wildcard games:
Atlanta vs. St. Louis
My dad and I both realized that we were kind of St. Louis fans during this game. Intellectually, since I’m not sure I approve of the fifth playoff spot I ought to have rooted for Atlanta but I realized that I did kind of want the Cards to win. And then the Atlanta fans made themselves look really bad so I felt even better about rooting for the Cards. Yeah that call was borderline, but Atlanta also made three errors in that game so it’s pretty hard to say that was the deciding factor.
Texas vs. Baltimore
I didn’t really have a dog in this fight, and I would have been satisfied whoever won. So I was satisfied that Baltimore did win it. Maybe a touch happier even than I would have been with Texas, since the O’s have been the underdogs for so long but not by a lot.
Division Series
Mostly I was happy they all went to 5 games, I tend to root for more baseball above any team (since my boys were not very good this year).
San Francisco vs. Cincinnati
This was more a case of having mixed feelings about SF than any opinion of Cinci. I’m a West girl, but do I root for the familiar or does familiarity breed contempt? Either way I think I was rooting for SF, but wouldn’t have been hurt if they lost. So again, satisfied because I was easily satisfied.
St. Louis vs. Washington
I wouldn’t have *minded* if Washington had won, but again that discovered-for-the-playoffs SL fan feeling. It became especially clear at the end of that last game that I wanted it for the Cards. Sorry Nats, I love a rags to riches story as much as the next person, but it turned out I did have an opinion so I’m happy the Cards pulled it out.
Now I have no idea who I’ll root for in the Championship series, I kind of like both teams, so aside from rooting for 7 games I’ll see how I feel once it gets going.
Detroit vs. Oakland
I was pulling for Oakland, and watching Seth Smith pull them through game 4 was a highlight for me since I always loved him as a Rocky. But it did seem like Detroit (even if I keep wanting to think they’re Cleveland for some reason, I know better, but that’s what keeps slipping out when I talk about this) was probably a little better. I’m not upset by the end here, but I about as disappointed as I can be considering I didn’t really care to start with.
Baltimore vs. New York
I’m the type the roots against the Yankees in just about any situation (I basically have a null opinion in Yankees-Red Sox, as I don’t really like either of them) so I was hoping the O’s could pull it off. Too bad Sabathia has to be really good, as Dad put it “Is it weird to hate the Yankees but like some of their players? And find Girardi so likable?” Basically I’m about as un-disappointed as I can be considering it was a Yankees win.
But I’m still going to root for Detroit (almost said Cleveland AGAIN) in the ALCS. But hopefully in 7 games...maybe, I need at least 7 games *or* 6 and a Detroit win.
Anyway, since I have work tomorrow I don’t think I should stay up to review something tonight (besides baseball), so how about a meme?
Give me a character and I'll tell you:
Why I like them
Why I don’t
Favorite episode (scene if movie, book, manga, etc)
Favorite season/movie/book/volume
Favorite line
Head Canon
Unpopular opinion
A wish
An oh-god-please-don't-ever-happen
5 words to best describe them
My nickname for them