Apr 12, 2012 20:40
I amuse myself sometimes with truly random projects. Tonight's example:
I thought I might add a second project to my 100 blog posts idea and hit on the idea of 'Hmm I wonder if I could do 100 ships?' and while I probably could it quickly devolved into 'Can I think of 100 ships from one show?' So I took TVD and started listing, canon ships, fanon ships, pure crack ships that my mind connects together. I haven't gone so far as just any two regulars or semi-regulars that have ever shared a scene together, I have to have some reason why my mind went there. It's not always things I like (if I can get enough to do this I'll talk about those I do and do not like) but I'd like to have something to talk about it.
I'm at 75. This show is so shippable that without a ton of work I got to 75.
That's too many to give up now, there's got to be 25 more that I'm not thinking of right now. So feel free to suggest ones I might have missed (it's entirely possible I'm forgetting some canon ones, depending on your definition of canon especially), or your own ship ideas that I might want to include.
vampire diaries,