So a week later, I finally started watching new Torchwood so have a few of my belated thoughts.
Okay that was pretty much awesome. Scary, epic, fun, and well awesome. I have no idea half of what's going on and that is making me abuse the word awesome.
I liked cute doctor guy and am sorry he turned out to be playing them and then dead.
Kids are creepy.
Awww, Jack's family issues. Why have we never dealt with this before because it's a great thing to add to his character. Of course it also brings me back to being pissed at the Doctor for so readily assuming the he (the Doctor) can't have any kind of normal life; but then TW always seems to bring my thoughts more focused on DW.
I love the fact that TW and UNIT (or whichever secret group it was) are spying on each other.
I wonder what's happened to Mickey since JE.
Gwen and Rhys continue to be adorable. And for once I actually buy Jack and Ianto as a couple (using the word myself).
There seemed to be a much more epic quality to the filming than there has been in the past.
Reasons you know this is written by RTD:
-The first word we hear is "Tyler", oh Rusty, don't ever change you're Rose loving ways.
-There's plenty of time taken to establish our main characters
-The inquisitive new character is a woman, the one who doesn't end up being a traitor I mean
-He gets to write the actually gay version of the 'Bob & Rose' "it's not [men] it's just [him]" (gender flip on the sentence object) speech
-He actually deals with the Ianto sexuality question that no other TW writer has bothered with, and does so in the above way
-It's meant to be scary and is (which means it isn't written by Moffat)
We all know I like epics, so this is like crack to me and everything I ever wanted Torchwood to be. I'll check in again when I've watched part two.